Push forward: 10 ways to end violence against women
(lengthy, important article)
Push forward: 10 ways to end violence against women
18 November 2022
Violence against women and girls remains the most pervasive human rights violation in the world, affecting more than 1 in 3 womena figure that has remained largely unchanged over the last decade.
Global emergencies, crises and conflict have further intensified violence against women and girls and exacerbated the drivers and risk factors. Climate change is aggravating all types of gender-based violence against women and girls, an already visible pattern that will undoubtedly grow more extreme as the crisis worsens. Rapidly expanding digitalization is increasing online violence against women and girls, compounding existing forms of violence and leading to the emergence of new ones. At the same time, there has been a rise in anti-rights movements and anti-feminist groups, driving an expansion of regressive laws and policies, a backlash against womens rights organizations and a spike in attacks against women human rights defenders and activists.
In this context, ending violence against women might seem unimaginable, but it isnt. Large-scale reductions in violence against women can be achieved through feminist activism and advocacy coupled with coordinated action across justice, health, financial and other sectors. Recent evidence suggests that strong and autonomous feminist movements are the most critical factor in driving change.
Ending violence against women is everyones business. This 16 Days, show your solidarity with feminist movements and advocates around the world. Whether youre a seasoned activist or just getting started, here are ten ways you can act now to end violence against women and girls:
1. Speak up, speak out
Violence against women is pervasive, but its not inevitableunless we stay silent. In the face of rising anti-feminist movements, its more crucial than ever that we speak up and out.Taboos around gender-based violence provide perpetrators with impunity and prevent women and girls from getting the help they need: less than 40 per cent of women who experience violence seek help of any sort.Let survivors and activists know you stand with them. Amplify their voices and stories. Create spaces for dialogue, both in person and online.
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Together, we can resist the rollback on womens rights, amplify the demands of feminist movements across the world and push forward to end violence against women and girls once and for all.