Is this a part of rape culture?
All the threads for/against the existence of rape culture in GD got me thinking. What counts as rape culture? Some things are obvious, like "slut shaming" or saying that most reports of rape and assault are false. But what about other things that are more benign, like ladies' night?
We all know what ladies' night is about. Bars let women in for free hoping that men, and their wallets, will follow. They hope that guys will spend more money buying more drinks trying to get a woman to go home with them. But isn't getting a woman drunk in hopes of getting her to lower her ambitions and go home with you at least crossing a line somewhere?
The bar typical bar scene always seemed a little creepy to me. I'm not saying that full-grown adults can't make up their own minds, but it does feel like getting someone else intoxicated on purpose in order to have sex with them, especially if you don't really know them or if you think they would say "no" if they were sober, is taking advantage of them. It does fit the usual definition of date rape.
Does that sound like rape culture, or am I just seeing something that's not there?