a smaller volume range. In order to hear what they said when they were talking quietly, I had to turn up my speakers enough that when they started yelling, they about deafened me. Other than the volume, though, I thought the production values were pretty good.
Actually, maybe that was my second reaction, with my first reaction being that the guy was acting totally weird, but then I realized that the actors actions and words were being swapped.
My third reaction was shaped by the fact that for much of my life, there actually were abortion clinics within reasonable distances - that he could have gotten an abortion. Sadly, nowadays, that isn't actually realistic for many women any more, thanks to the tireless efforts of anti-abortion zealots in getting judges into office who are more than happy to undermine Roe v Wade.
My next reaction was that they could have been more subtle, and didn't really need to hit on all of the gender stereotypes as hard as they did, even in reverse.
And my final reaction was that as a PSA, it was just too darned long, people don't have long attention spans these days.