When States Abuse Women
When States Abuse Women
Published: March 3, 2012
Its state-sanctioned abuse, said Dr. Curtis Boyd, a Texas physician who provides abortions. It borders on a definition of rape. Many states describe rape as putting any object into an orifice against a persons will. Well, thats what this is. A woman is coerced to do this, just as Im coerced.
The state of Texas is waging war on women and their families, Dr. Boyd added. The new law is demeaning and disrespectful to the women of Texas, and insulting to the doctors and nurses who care for them.
That law is part of a war over womens health being fought around the country and in much of the country, women are losing. State by state, legislatures are creating new obstacles to abortions and are treating women in ways that are patronizing and humiliating.
Twenty states now require abortion providers to conduct ultrasounds first in some situations, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research organization. The new Texas law is the most extreme to take effect so far, but similar laws have been passed in North Carolina and Oklahoma and are on hold pending legal battles.
Alabama, Kentucky, Rhode Island and Mississippi are also considering Texas-style legislation bordering on state-sanctioned rape. And what else do you call it when states mandate invasive probes in womens bodies?
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