The Nation -Transcript: Live Chat on the Future of Feminist Activism
On July 5, 2012, hosted a live chat on the future of feminist activism with Nation blogger Jessica Valenti, founding editor Anna Holmes and reproductive justice activist Aimee Thorne-Thomsen. Readers submitted over one hundred questions and comments on topics ranging from mainstream feminist organizations to intersectionality to the "personhood" movement. An edited transcript of the chat is available below. You can also read a replay of the chat here.
Sarah Arnold: Hi everyone, this is Sarah, your moderator. Welcome to our chat! Well get started in five minutes. In the meantime, readers, you can begin to submit your questions. Ill start pulling them in about fifteen minutes into the chat. Anna and Jessica, once you're here, pop in and introduce yourselves.
Anna Holmes: Hi, this is Anna. Happy to be herethanks for the invitation.
Jessica Valenti: Hey everyonethanks for joining! Jessica here, feminist writer/online activist.
Aimee Thorne-Thomsen: Hello everyone, this is Aimee. Excited to be here!
Sarah Arnold: Great, thanks everyone! Could you each just say a word or two about your most recent work and what brings you to this conversation?
Jessica Valenti: For sure. In the past, my work was largely focused on trying to make feminism more accessible to younger women, through Feministing and my books, especially. What Im interested in right now, though, is how we can use some of the lessons weve learned doing online organizing and outreach to create a more forward-thinking, proactive, intersectional feminist movement.