Disability insurance coverage was continued for hip replacement I cancelled over COVID concerns.
This was corporate long term disability insurance from Lincoln. I've been fighting with them for three years. I threw a lawyer at them and won an appeal a year ago. After two years, being disable from my previous occupation does not qualify. That was commercial driver.
After two years they can cut you off if they determine you could work some job, which I think they almost always do. I have my orthopedic surgeon documenting I need a total right hip, right knee and left shoulder. I scheduled the hip for Jan. 11 and my case manager said she would be contacting me after that to reevaluate.
COVID is bad here and I half-way expect them to cancel anything but emergency surgery anyway, but I said screw it and called it off myself. I'm not getting it done until I am vaccinated. No matter the precautions at the hospital and rate of staff infections, there is still considerable risk to myself and my sister that would be helping me out some. Also there is no way I would set foot in the physical therapy I like.
I don't think they will deny my claim for that. I think my lawyer would dunk on them if they tried.