Related: About this forumFirst hearing for SSDI is coming up
I applied in 2012, denied, hired an attorney. Attorney called to say the hearing will be in February.
How long after the hearing should it take to get a determination?
Also, I last worked 3/2009, just couldn't go on working due to health, and they made it easy for me, my company dissolved. The attorney said I waited too long to file. But, I was desperately trying to find a job and handle my health issues to the point of where I just gave up on both and finally filed.
Thanks for any information.

(20,036 posts)3 months, but then they reimburse you..... Now this was a years ago, so it may have changed. probably not.
(676 posts)I told him of course not. With that he said he found me to be 100% disabled. Fastest decision I could have hoped for.
(20,856 posts)There are millions of people with disabilities that worked for years and then looked for work for a long time before filing. Your health can get worse while you are looking for work and frankly, sometimes we think we can work when we really can't. I didn't file for disability until my family demanded that I file. They had been gently pushing me to for years take some time off and get healthy.
I will say, you should make some notes about how your disability affects everything from getting a good nights sleep, getting up in the morning and getting to work on time, etc. Yes, the judge will be looking at your ability to work, but your ADL's (activities of daily living) matter as well.