Related: About this forumI am having a bad day.
My first appointment with a possible primary care physician is not till Dec30. I have a known left knee injury that is waiting for the WC comp people to replace it, and maybe a steroid injection first so I can walk more easily while I wait for the surgery; since I am in so much left knee pain, I lean to the right straining my 'better' knee and hip. I cannot walk w/o a cane and when I limped into the grocery store today all the motorized carts were in use, so I waited 10 minutes. A very nice security guard found a chair for me and sent a bagger thru the store to find out if the chairs were in use, and they all were, so I left w/o getting groceries. I made it home only to find out my dog ate something that has given her horrific gas (might be her new chemo meds) and thank the divine the ceiling fan is working. I just want to cry, and I have snuffled some, cuddled the dog, fed the cats , and am now feeling really lonely and sorry for myself. I know I am greatly blessed, in general. The dog is doing okay, I have cat food and litter and enough TP for a while. There is hot & cold running water, the toilet flushes, the door locks, my neighborhood has lots of holiday lights and the kids across the street LOVE my dog and will take her for a walk tomorrow and Sunday. I just wish I didn't hurt so much, it sucks energy I have in limited amounts. And I'm weepy....ugh

(5,650 posts)dhill926
(16,953 posts)jwirr
(39,215 posts)Mnemosyne
(21,363 posts)
(9,148 posts)I am so sorry.
I would love to make this day a bit better.
I have some cash to give.
Or if there is a grocery delivery service near you, Maybe I can help you that way.
Am so very sorry for your sadness & know that you are not totally alone tonight.
We are here.
You can message me if you like. maybe we can figure this out together.
Peace to you pal.
(34,775 posts)((hugs))
(8,515 posts)Put $20 in for me and Ill send you a check.. Best I can do..
(9,148 posts)Appears our big DU group hug mended some wounds from today.
Kindness was the easy part for us.
Dont call me Shirley
(10,998 posts)
(1,550 posts)
(23,156 posts)I haven't a clue what they cost, since I've never needed to find out, but anything to help you move and take at least some weight or strain off that leg might help.
Otherwise, would using crutches be at all practical?
What you're going through isn't any fun, to say the least. Hope things do improve soon for you.
(34,775 posts)I have called around to medical supply companies, a bit rich for my wallet. Vicky and I will power shop thrift stores looking for used ones. My mom, tough as titanium and very pointed in her comments told me to look for one with a basket and a seat if possible.....so I will listen to the momma in this matter. But Momma said there would be days like this, momma said (Motown forever).
(23,156 posts)can rent you one.
Some years back, when my son broke a leg, the local grocery store's pharmacy rented crutches, and the deposit I paid was fully returned when I returned them. Perhaps there's something similar where you are.
(9,148 posts)I can order you a pizza with some of those frosted cinnamon sticks, or Chinese if you like.
PM me & let me know where you want it delivered from.
Am waiting to hear from you dear..
Love to you iris
(34,775 posts)comfort food, celery & hummus and a few cuke slices yummy. thanks for your concern and help
(43,474 posts)on DU a couple hours ago about helping people in need here over the holidays, from a man who mentioned his wife also. Can't find now after looking thru main sections. Might have been Omaha S. but can't be certain.
(15,480 posts)knee surgery. I will eventually need knee replacements but am doing what I can to delay that. My problem is different from yours in that both my knees suffer from long term wear & tear/not an injury. However whether to delay surgery or to prepare for surgery (in the sense that you will have a quicker recovery if your leg muscles are in good shape), my orthopod advises exercises to strengthen the various muscles in the legs, i.e,. quads, hamstrings, glutes & calves(calfs?). Check out this link for those exercises which do not involve any weight going through the knee joint for your injured knee, as well as all of the exercises to strengthen your "better" knee. They really have helped me. In my state, one needs a prescription from a medical doctor to see a physical therapist. You'd need to work with one in your post-surgical stage, but every insurance I know approves pre-surgical physical therapy as well. a http://www.knee-pain-explained.com/knee-strengthening-exercises.html#quads
You have my sympathy and empathy, kiddo! As the big dog used to say, "I feel your pain."
One other suggestion: Askl the scheduler at the primary care doc's to give you a call if there is a cancellation which will get you into the office earlier. Let him/her know you are in a lot of pain. I expect the primary care doc will refer you to an orthopod for the surgery, but the primary doc can also give you a prescription for physical therapy and you can get started on that. Good luck to you and hope the coming year sees you on the mend!
(34,775 posts)My job was a radiation therapist/Radiologic technologist was such that I sat down to eat lunch or use the loo. Since I am not actively doing that work, I know I sit a lot more. My leg muscles are weaker. I can feel the difference when I walk the dog or up the stairs with clean laundry or used kitty litter. I will check out your knee strengthen site. B/C it is the end of the year, unless I get knocked down by a car and have my femur sticking out, I know I have to wait. If I have a femur sticking out, the noise I will make will be heard in Singapore. Thanks for the advice. Dog does deserve her walk ya know.
(43,474 posts)with stress for some, me I know. Relaxation, rest, good tea often helps. Ok to feel down and discouraged esp. what you're dealing with. Think you can't get a temporary pain reliever until the Dec. 30 appt. or you'd have mentioned. Shame about the grocery store visit. No one to assist like neighbors, volunteers- maybe not. If we were in the same area I'd help. I'm in NoVa, have done shopping and rides for visually impaired & elders.
So glad you have your sweetie pets, what a comfort, even naughty!, and provisions at home. Please contact me if you like, send a pm, (personal message thru DU) to my avatar name.
I just saw a DU member post earlier today inquiring about helping others here this season. I'll check and give you their info. if I can find it.
(22,845 posts)
Hang in there. Tomorrow will be better.

(38,540 posts)
(10,734 posts)
(50,130 posts)there's a new service called Instacart in some communities that allows user to order from Whole Foods, Costco, other grocers and delivers same day or even same hour! May be useful in some circumstances.
(17,196 posts)irisblue
(34,775 posts)gonna be a wheeee day. Chamonile tea instead of another café au lait this am. Thanks for listening yesterday, it really helped.
(156 posts)How did the appointment go?
Where I live Peapod delivers groceries, and Stop & Shop has a thing where you can order online and drive there at an appointed time and they will load them in the car for you.
Our local non-chain market will send an employee through the store for you to get your groceries if you come in with a list. I suspect the manager of your store might do the same.