(34,502 posts)about watching it but have not had the time yet. Are you asking because you have seen it? If so I would be interested in hearing about it.
(24,817 posts)And I thought it was pretty mediocre. Rob Lowe is in just about every scene. His son is also in it and he's a pretty lame actor. I thought the writing was just so so. It tries too hard to be smart and witty, but falls short, I think. With so much god stuff out there, I'm giving it a pass.
(34,502 posts)the rest of what was on happened while I was doing other things BUT I will watch again.
I liked it but then I do like Rob Lowe. I thought it was pretty funny watching him work with his son, the throw around lines were clever considering they were for a father and son and damn he looks like his dad and has so many of his mannerisms.
I will keep watching until I get my Lowe fill. The cast is enough right now.