Tooth Pari -- A different kind of vampire series.
This is a Hindu Netflix series about a vampire-human love story. Rumi, the main protagonist, breaks her tribe's rules and sneaks out at night to seek fresh blood in the night life of Calcutta. There apparently is a way to get blood without killing or turning her targets. Afterwards, they are hypnotized, so they remember the event as a failed one night stand. So, no harm done, until, one day, she digs her teeth into one of her victims and loses a tooth. And that begins the series of events that follows, starting with her going to a young dentist, which captivates her heart.
Sorting out the difficulties of this improbable pairing, along with the war between a group of humans that are sworn to destroy vampires, and the vampire tribe that is living underground, hiding in a sort of Watership Down situation, creates many tense moments that keeps the suspense high.
Very interesting international perspective, which made it different enough to feel like a fresh take. Left you with a desire to see a Season Two. On Netflix.