Paige on Virgin River blew her cover when she said her father grew up on a peCAN
(like a can of beans) farm in Texas. No one, no where in Texas says pecan that way. Really important stuff, I know but surely there is a Texan on that huge cast and crew.

Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)What my mom used to say.
(15,247 posts)Last edited Wed Dec 18, 2019, 11:42 PM - Edit history (1)
But that is funny.
(3,379 posts)A peCAN is something you keep under the bed. A Pecan is something you eat.
(15,247 posts)I wish I could deck some of them with a peCAN (an empty one, of course}. Old house with a big attic that they love to get in. Had a bunch of work done to "fill" all the openings but they are back with a vengeance. Went up to get some items down and there was one just chattering at me. Wish I believed in killing things, I would do it. Maybe I just might change that philosophy. Thanks for the funny comment.
(20,856 posts)It makes me crazy. If you're going to have people speaking with accents, you'd better have a dialect coach on the staff.
(15,247 posts)greymattermom
(5,798 posts)Where the series was filmed?
OAITW r.2.0
(29,567 posts)