(11,061 posts)C_U_L8R
(46,586 posts)Very well created and performed - but it made me anxious. Like a slow motion car crash about to happen. Maybe things gets better for Howard but it looked like it was heading for the worst. I'll go back anyway and to see how it ends up
(6,645 posts)bif
(24,817 posts)Especially in his comedies. He's done a couple straight roles that I thought were pretty decent. This one got high marks from Rotten Tomatoes, which is usually the kiss of death for me. It was like a train wreck. I think Sandler played one of the most irritating characters I've ever seen in a movie. I kept praying for something horrible to happen to him. I won't give away the ending, but I sort of wished I had given up on the movie earlier. It was a bit like driving by a terrible accident. You don't want to watch, but secretly, you sort of do.
Peregrine Took
(7,567 posts)Judi Lynn
(163,093 posts)Could never understand why anyone hired him in the first place.
He's not funny, he's obnoxious, he's a total waste of space. Oh, yeah. No talent, whatsoever.
(32,109 posts)ffo
(15 posts)I watched some it. A waste of time. Read the denouement at a review venue. Glad I gave up onnit.