Season 3 of Dark is now airing on Netflix
I only watched the first episode so far and it's as good as ever.

(12,231 posts)So here goes.
(12,683 posts)LizBeth
(11,111 posts)I never was good at that because I watch faces so and happening that I forget to read.
You can watch a dubbed version although i prefer the subtitles
(11,111 posts)Fla Dem
(26,331 posts)I've watched some foreign movies where the dubbing is really terrible. But it was great in this series.
(224 posts)This is a great show but it is intense and needs your full concentration
(46,508 posts)It's hard to track who, where, when and what dimension.
Fla Dem
(26,331 posts)Google Dark Series diagrams and you'll get all the diagrams you'll need.
Fla Dem
(26,331 posts)All the questions were answered. Throughout I was pretty much totally adrift especially the 2nd season. I watched the whole 2nd season again before I watched season 3. That helped.
All in all, I liked the series, just wish I wasn't so befuddled through most of it.
(46,166 posts)This story makes us learn along with the characters. The "what" and "why" of it all was hard to follow along with. But in the end it didn't completely surprise me. I gave up trying to point the finger at a red herring. The who and why of it all was hinted at a lot all along.
I hope this production company takes on more projects. They did a great job with the material.
(8,160 posts)I haven't finished watching yet, so maybe this will come into play at some point. Like, somebody goes back to kill key figures in DNA sequencing technology.
I may skip right to the last two episodes of season 3, and then rewatch from the beginning. My head was hurting trying to follow everything. But I kept wondering why nobody did a 23 & Me test.
(46,166 posts)Unless I'm totally sideways and don't rule that out.
This series is challenging. But I just hung in there and each epi revealed more of the story like a flower. There isn't a red herring. Watching S1&2, you already know the who just not the consequences of the how.
(8,160 posts)I sat down right at the beginning and drew up family trees, just so I could continue watching comfortably. Of course, I realized that the showrunners did this deliberately in order to immerse the viewer in the confusion--most characters were not even called by name until several episodes in.
But when my brain can't follow logically, it resorts to just passively watching, and this show isn't enjoyable (to me) on that level.
I'd rather know the score upfront and then watch it unfold. Spoilers don't tend to spoil things for me. Unless someone makes a compelling case for why to not do so. Like, are the "ah ha!" moments at the end so delicious that they're worth it?
(46,166 posts)intrepidity
(8,160 posts)I suppose there's some possibility that if I skip ahead, I find the whole premise untenable and decide not to rewatch. OTOH, if there are more seasons coming... are there?
(46,166 posts)However you handle it, it'll be interesting to see what you thought.
(8,160 posts)Determined to settle this, I watched the final two episodes, into the wee hours last night.
As I'm watching, I'm thinking two things: 1) I didn't seem to miss too much, as I still recognized all of the characters and mostly understood what they were talking about, and 2) this isn't explaining *anything* to me.
The final moments of the last episode are revealed. I don't feel any resolution! Then, I notice that little pop-up box saying "Next Episode" and I think W.T.F.?? I thought this was the last season!! I click on it, and it takes me to S03E01. I am amused by this Netflix trick, that it would return me to the beginning of the season on a series about time travel. I smile and chuckle to myself.
But then I think: hold on, let me check the Episodes list... and damn! Instead of having watched the final two episodes of Season 3 as intended, instead I had watched the final two episodes of Season 2!!! :Groan:
Which explained my observations above.
So, just as in the series, I'm now back where I started. Debating whether to skip ahead to the final episodes, or just slog through sequentially. Or maybe in reverse order. :sigh:
(46,166 posts)There's irony here. Somewhere. Why not just watch Season 3 start to finish. Then at least you'll find the rest of us in the same boat as you.
We started Frankenstein Chronicles tonight. I tried to start Kingdom on the advice of a neighbor. I made it through the first scene of Epi1 and bugged out. Frankenstein looks "lite" compared.
Fla Dem
(26,331 posts)Last edited Wed Jul 22, 2020, 04:56 PM - Edit history (1)
I wish I had found this when I was in Season 2.