Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumI made a mistake,,
First off,, My Seahawks lost and Im still kinda in mourning But back on topic,, I made the mistake,, I was seeing psyche, as we know, and Mrs K whole family( literally) died withing 18 months and Mrs K went into depression.. My psyche set up to bring Mrs K in to the same group to help. It was separate at first,,then I get the question from my psyche," can we share info?" I talked Mrs,,she agreed and we went on. Next step,, we are both asked,,can we do couples therapy? Mrs and I talk and say why not? So we did. So we go from week to week,1 week solo,2nd week couples. And Mrs therapist keep bringing up how Mrs K and I need respite from our Tess(hcp daughter) We said and explained over and over that we can only do that when support supplied by state is fully trained on Tess, and the turnover is putting Mrs K and I in full time training mode.
,,long story short,, things got worse, Mrs K and I arguing,,, until,,,, i finally heard what her psyche said in couples, we need respite. I agree and told Mrs,,she is right, and this also includes psyche help, we are too close in this area. So I dropped out from my Psyche, to give us the respite that we could control. Things since then 2 weeks ago, have been great. I made the mistake of getting Mrs K depression handled same place as mine.
Im still taking my meds, new Psyche was easy to find. we are so much better. I did have some drinks during this event. But I finally saw what was hurting Mrs and I . My mistake was bringing her psyche help to same pace as mine.
This Groups Victory is ,, I understood it,,and fixed it,,, because I was clear headed enough with your support. Yep,, I had drinks,,fell off the wagon. but I was sober long enough that my mind was clear enough to see reality.
I humbly Thank you all