Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumI am going in circles. Admit I have a problem in the morning, be in denial 2 hours later, and back
on the hamster wheel trying to bargain some scheme to let me be better, but still do things my way. I don't want to go back to weighing nearly 300lbs. I don't want to end up in the hospital with a ruptured stomach. But I don't seem to really want to get better.

(162,317 posts)hang in there GreenPartyVoter, these are very stressful times - venting here may help.......we care
dawg day
(7,947 posts)This is such a difficult time. We're stuck in little rooms, and sometimes it seems like the only fun or pleasure is there in the kitchen.
I got no advice... just empathy. But you know you've been strong before, and you can find that strength again.
(73,495 posts)Last edited Sun Apr 26, 2020, 10:42 PM - Edit history (1)
The Hallmark Channel. It is so f*****g bad that it is good. Try to get a good night's sleep
and then go for a walk if you can in the morning. One foot in front of the other and keep
(9,816 posts)Every Hallmark movie is a slight rewrite of the one that appeared just before it. Always a happy ending though, if you can manage to stay awake that long!
(73,495 posts)"Always a happy ending" .... for a good looking white couple with some really
bad kissing scenes @ the end where they keep the Xmas Tree Farm/Bakery
business going in the ideal small town with lots of fake snow.
After the Orange Hell beast got installed by Russia I could not watch the news
or read the paper so I watched that crap-fest.
(34,749 posts)irisblue
(34,749 posts)You got a sponsor to call?
(73,243 posts)daily connection and accountability.
(34,749 posts)GreenPartyVoter
(73,243 posts)would help me because to worked before. But journaling is definitely good.
(24,767 posts)I've been attending meetings for over a year and a half. Totally sold on their methodology.
(33,643 posts)If it was easy to get away from, it wouldn't be called addiction, would it?
Great thing is every day, every minute in fact ... is a new chance to start over, and forget past failures.
There is no benefit to beating oneself up over relapse, or ... much of anything, really.
Get yourself to a meeting is my next advice. Virtual, presumably.
Trying to do it w/help is hard, trying to do it alone is damn near impossible
marble falls
(63,590 posts)Stuart G
(38,726 posts)Maybe thousands...OA, AA, CODA, EA...etc...Your sentence ...marble total truth when it comes to recovery. Thank You for posting that idea. It is the sentence below:
"You need to realize no-one will ever judge you as harshly as you judge yourself."
One of the keys to recovery in my opinion is simple...Be kind to yourself, & I want to add this: Being kind to ourselves is ..NOT EASY.. .................................................
If it was easy, then it would already be accomplished by all.
Again, ...Being kind to yourself (for addicts like us) not easy..
marble falls
(63,590 posts)I had nothing in my life to feel so bad about me, but it definitely held me back.
Psychedelics and therapy made all the difference for me and fairly quickly. I was able to go through this in the early 70's. At the worst of it, I couldn't look at myself in a mirror without feeling revulsion.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)..That is it: We admit it at one time of the day, or one day of the week, and another time of the day, or later in the week, then we say we don't have a problem. Or, I got it licked and it is over. Then it starts over again, and over again. Admitting the problem is a step in recovery, no matter what steps you take. Or how you take them.
..Then, you need some kind of plan to overcome the .."scheme" but you still do "things my way"...your words..
If you didn't want to "get better" you wouldn't be here. We want to get "better" but getting "better" is changing what we do and think sometimes.. Old thoughts do not go away, but we need to say those thoughts are not the truth. The truth is something else, because the old thoughts were responsible for hurting us. So, when the .."old thoughts" come back, we try to say.."those thoughts are not the truth." And let's go for some other thoughts.
.....As I said in other posts, It is not easy... It is very hard..
......It is actually very hard to change what we do & think.
Now...this is very important:..There is a group of writers and people out there that try to tell us that it is easy to take weight off and keep it off, or stop drinking and drugging permanently. Those people try to sell us books and magazines and ideas that tell us...."THAT IT IS EASY.'
... I often see such articles at magazine collections in food stores and other places..It ain't easy, if it were easy, it would be easy to accomplish it.
...It ain't easy..just keep coming back, going to whatever meetings you go to, and never give up. Stick with those who have been successful and don't give up. Oh, it ain't so simple either..That is another post for another time..