Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumThings I am grateful for
My cats got food, litter & are healthy
I got food for today & tomorrow
I got a flush toilet & safe drinking water
I got you DU. Damn I'm a blessed woman

(33,643 posts)Proud of everyone who's staying sober/clean/not gambling, etc., just for today.
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)Simeon Salus
(1,416 posts)My sponsor at the time asked me:
"Are you on fire? Are you in jail?"
I replied "no."
He said, "Start with those two."
After that revelation, making gratitude lists became easier for me.
Hang in there and just work on today. Clarity allows us to gain perspective.
(10,633 posts)I often forget how glad I am to be sober and how basic things in my life I took/take for granted.
I am also grateful for this community and too many other things to list here, but I'm going to list on my own.
(12,286 posts)A wife & kids who still love me.
Friends I can rely on.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)....I guess it is a matter of perspective. I have had a number of surgeries. Most of the common ones and life
threatening. I am grateful for each day. Now, sometimes that is very difficult as I worry about this and that.
...Surviving the surgeries, and addictions is a miracle.....So sometimes, I feel guilty that I am saved & alive..
...Another perspective is..."Why not me?"
...Just enjoy each day. Whatever the reason.. .just try to enjoy each day if you can. Being happy is difficult
sometimes. But it is better than the opposite. Ain't it?
...Today as I was coming back from the grocery story, I was listening to a radio station that plays old music from the
60s, 70s, & 80s. The station started playing a song that "Peter, Paul, & Mary" sang. It was not one of my favorites,
but as the record played, I started to cry, because I had seen Peter, Paul, and Mary, in person in the audience as
they sang. Yes, somewhat expensive, but very enjoyable. I cried because I was able to remember seeing them in
person more than 40 years ago, and I remembered some of their songs as that one played. Why crying?...
...I was grateful for the experience of seeing them live and being there. And of course...being in the car driving
back from the food store, and being alive today.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)...Flush toilets and safe drinking water.
i visited Versailles in Paris France...(King Louie's home) and the tour leader mentioned that the king had
servants that came each day several times to the rooms to take away the human excrement that was left
in certain rooms that were used for that purpose.
,,,,,,,,,,NO FLUSH TOILETS FOR THE KING AND HIS CROWD (they hadn't been invented yet, and water
systems were not pipes and sewers like we know today)..So, when you turn the faucet and out comes pure
water to drink, as Iris said above, be grateful. Hard to imagine what it was like...but I can imagine..
Once in the late 50s, I went to Boy Scout Camp. for 10 days. At the camp..(overnight camp) there were tents,
and guess what else? ...OUTHOUSES...a place to sit and take a sh*t......
....And it was each tents requirement to clean the sitting places in the outhouse one day during the stay.
.... So, I took a bucket of clean water and washed the area & the seats with soap all around the places where
..people sat and pooped. Yes, everywhere in that place. I remember doing so and it was over 60 years ago.
We cleaned seats and the floor, we ...did NOT remove anything from the places that people had pooped in.
That stayed in the ground...............................
..........I guess someone would remember something like that...It was not pretty, but it was how Boy Scout Camp was.