Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumToday is my birthday
It sucks.
I have been stood up by a friend again.
We made plans.
I have put up with him bailing out on me for months ,he says its work. But there are times when you are not working. If there was no time, the labor laws would have something to say about that.
I want to tell him exactly how I feel about it and ask if he's telling me that I dont matter to him.
Its gonna be hard because he is the only friend I have since I lost my house.
I guess I am a low priority friend. Might as well accept it.
I hate my life here alone day after day,no way to get out anywhere.
What am I alive for,really?
I hate my birthday. I should have been aborted. I cant handle this world.
Hell is other people,yes, but without people hell ,its still hell anyway.

Wicked Blue
(7,698 posts)
(13,028 posts)Wish capitalism didnt kill public transportation,3rd places to hang out,and work people all the time.
This country sucks because of capitalism and rich people.
And republicans.
Wonder what life would be without these 3 awful things.
I know I would have a lot more friends.
And a reason to live,a way to make a difference.
Wicked Blue
(7,698 posts)Wishing you many blessings and happiness on your birthday
and hoping your next one will be everything you hope for
(13,028 posts)But I have spent them alone for years.
The last time people were around for my birthday I had just lost my home was in residential housing program that was run by an abusive piece of shit.
My mom was alive back than I was thankful I was not alone again but all I could do was cry my eyes out.
Spending time it never has to be the actual day. Dont care about the gifts or cake.
I want to not be invisible for once.
I just dont want to be alone. I want one day with someone that wont feel like today,tomorrow the next day until I die.
(12,240 posts)We are all only a blink in the eye of time. Family needs me so I keep on. Maybe he is watching Sports with buddies? Peace to you.
(13,028 posts)And if he blew me off after making plans over and over there is no excuse for this.
If he blew me off to watch sports I would just get it over with now.
My life has no meaning I have tried over and over to give it a meaning and everytime it fails.
Life just hurts a lot of the time.
(43,491 posts)doing crochet lap blankets for the Vets and Elderly. It gave me a purpose
got into a funk and stopped, Recently, i started doing crafts. Today, I threw away everything I made because I burnt the clay. Are you interested in doing volunteer work like the Food Bank, or doing a hobbie or crafts? YouTube is full of tuts to learn.
(114,020 posts)I just get through them every year. My animals dont care about their birthdays and that works for me, too.
(21,277 posts)Go to the movies or the library or to a senior center n celebrate YOU. If this person is always standing you up, hes not a friend. Treat yourself n reach out n give yourself some worth and share it with an animal shelter..animals are so much better than most people.
(13,028 posts)Places I would have friends and this would not be an issue.
(43,491 posts)MyMission
(2,004 posts)I understand a bit of what you're feeling.
You have so many friends here on DU, scattered all over the country and beyond.
I expect your post will bring lots of good wishes and warm feelings. I'm sending you some, and a big hug.
On my birthday I looked up the various places that would give me free stuff.
A friend ended up offering to take me out to lunch, I had to drive 40 minutes.
I'm an only child, I never married or had kids. I do have some good friends, but they all have spouses or kids or parents or siblings, and I learned long ago that while I'm important to them I have to take 2nd, 3rd, 4th place to their family at times. I always get to buy my own birthday "cake" or slice. And I treat myself to some indulgence if I can. And I try to connect by phone or internet to people.
Hope you feel better this evening. I really enjoy your posts and comments here.
You are valued!
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)This birthday only comes once, and you made it!!
Be your own best friend today.
Sing "Happy Birthday" to yourself and blow out pretend candles!
Tomorrow's another day, and celebrate then if you want to.
My birthday is next week. I'm glad I made it this far, and stretch out into the near future at least.
I may not make it to Nov. 2023 but am going to get up each day and see what it brings.
Happy Birthday!!
(4,937 posts)
(7,400 posts)But, I do agree with the other posts that say you should just celebrate yourself in your own way. You are special to you and that is more than enough to celebrate surviving to another one. Happy Birthday and I wish I could do more.
(13,028 posts)I am not special to me.
(64,195 posts)And I have it on good authority that Othello is an excelkent judge of character. 😉
Why not make a special snack, dinner, or lunch tomorrow to celebrate your bday with Othello?
(13,028 posts)When we were kids my cousin and I were always inventing stuff to do over the long weekends we spent together. One day I came up with a cat party. My cousin came up with the name a cat's consilare. We would basically honor Rikki who was my cat back then.
We'd carry Rikki around on his favorite pillow,make him delicious treats,play and put a little crown on his head and bow because we were the loyal subjects of his most great catness. It was fun.
Maybe I will give Othello his first cat consilare.😸
(64,195 posts)For instance, tell him "We are celebrating my bday today & I choose to do so by doing something special for both of us together."
(15,568 posts)I've had the same experiences, and it's horrible.
(52,672 posts)I don't feel like celebrating any holiday since my dad died almost 4 years ago and my best friend, my puppy, 2 1/2 years ago. Between the GQP destroying our lives as well as Covid there isn't much joy out there. I find I have to create it myself.
It works. I will do what I want. I live alone so no one can limit what I feel or feel I need at whatever time of the day or night. I decorate for myself, not for others. I cook for myself and eat what I want, when I want it. I play music I love and I dance to it and sing poorly to boot. I buy myself flowers and make my day special. Fuck Covid!
I have had many surprise birthday parties thrown for me throughout my life and appreciated every second of them. Things are different now but that doesn't mean they are better or worse, just different.
(13,968 posts)level? Or a church, even though you are not NOW a member?
Why did losing the house cause you to lose friends? Surely, a house doesn't give value to anyone.
I Don't know what it is like to feel you have no value. So I won't attempt to advise you on how to change your feelings. But if you met someone else, having the same feelings you express, what would you say to that person?
I hope you have a happy birthday, in spite of what is going on in your life.
(13,028 posts)I would agree with them about how it feels and the world is indifferent.
But I would want to help. Let them talk about how it hurts but try to give them hope even though I dont have much hope for myself.
I have a moral compass and I will use it.
I made a deal with myself when I was a kid. That I would not be a drunk asshole abuser who takes advantage of people and hurts people who can't fight back like my father was,I would not stand by when someone else was being bullied or abused. When no one is helping or standing around doing nothing I would help and that I wouldnt be timid like my mom was.
I have led my life this way ever since.
So I would help the best I can even though to myself I felt the same way.
It's what I do.
(13,968 posts)Because of that stance, I know there are people whose lives are better because you were there.
(13,028 posts)Once at a day program I used to go to years ago I was getting my coffee ready and they used to have groups to teach stuff.
As I was walking to the fridge for cream I saw a guy with a bucket ready to mop he poured in some bleach I reached in the fridge grabbed the cream shut the door and yelled at him to stop but I was too late he poured some ammonia into the bleach.
The bucket looked like boiling dry ice and a mist rose up. I told him to get the fuck away from that bucket and get outside. I started yelling for people in the main room to get out now poison gas, ran over and banged on plexiglass of the staff fishbowl and told them to announce to get people out now poison gas ,
then I ran down the back hallway banging on the doctors and therapist doors for them to get out. Ran down the far hallway and got the deaf people out side ,than I ran out. An ambulance came they looked at my lungs and they were ok. A hazmat team came too with those white biosuits on and we all got to spend the day outside had pizza for lunch under the trees on the lawn.. And it made the news.
I have done things like this in psych rehab programs. Got bad staff fired too . One director embezzeled 150,000 from the program and I got her busted.
I do this stuff because I have to.
Just writing this I feel a bit better. Thank you.
(13,968 posts)for sure.
I posted my story on D.U. a few years ago.
For thirty years, my lover and I worked on New Jersey Gasp (Group Against Smoking Pollution) to end smoking in N.J's public spaces. When we began with G.A.S.P., you could smoke in any public space you wanted... restaurants, municipal buildings, airplanes, buses, trains, stores, bars and even doctors' offices and hospital rooms if oxygen was not being dispensed.
For thirty years, we wrote letters to newspapers and elected officials. I spoke before town councils and the N.J. state senate. In 1989, one small municipality passed an ordinance to prevent smoking in their public buildings and the two restaurants that were in the town. It made headlines in state newspapers. A year later, other towns passed similar ordinance.
The tobacco companies sued but they lost in the courts.
For a year, I carried a device to register the amount of particulate matter in air. I carried it into spaces in which smoking was prohibited and compared the air with facilities that allowed smoking. I presented the results to the N.J. Senate.
Four months later, smoking was not permitted in spaces in New Jersey that are open to the public.
Soon, groups in other states began to organize against indoor smoking... New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts and I don't know how any other states now prohibit indoor smoking.
So I am sure I have saved lives. Nobody knows my name to connect me with those efforts. They know the name of my lover who's the face of the organization. But it doesn't matter. I know that New Jersey is a better place to live because of what I helped achieve.
AND --- I also know there are times I have been a shit. Sometimes, with stupidity. Sometimes with intent.
But I keep on. And I hope there are fewer instances of my being a shit during the next years I have. (I posted on D.U. yesterday about my 80th birthday). I Don't know how many more days I have but they are getting fewer and fewer.
So back to you. You have a lot to be depressed about. But I invite you to think about how you can find wayS to change your situation in life and make something better for someone else or many people.
(13,028 posts)Standing up against smoking and changing the laws. I used to hate going to restaraunts and bars. My parents smoked and there was always haze floating in layers in the air inside the house.
As a kid I spent time mostly on the floor I like to think it was a good thing.
(64,195 posts)

Most people would only be concerned with their own personal well-being & never havd the presence of mind to get the building cleared!
I'm so proud of you!

(26,332 posts)You are certainly a valued person here at DU. I hope you know that.
Here is a virtual hug from afar - . And a chin scritch for Othello. 🐈⬛
(13,028 posts)KatK
(231 posts)Ziggysmom
(3,724 posts)I'm sorry your friend bailed. I've seen that same issue happen that a lot since my husband became disabled. Every year he and buddies would attend a car show 2 hours away, stay in a motel and have fun. Last year when he asked the person who always made the reservations etc., what room he would be in the guy hummed and hawed. They decided he was too disabled to attend. What a load of crap.
You have plenty of friends like me here on DU who appreciate you and like you and Othello very much. EVERYONE HAS VALUE. Screw anyone who makes others feel bad or rejected.
(43,491 posts)I walk my Dolly for times a day. it gets me out. Are there any crafts or hobbies you do? On my tablet I listen to this channel that plays soothing music. Do you want the channel number? I had a horrible life. When my mother was delivering me, I got stuck. They asked my father who he wanted saved. Because, he was Catholic, he said the baby. They ended up breaking my shoulder to get me out. but I'll be honest with you, there are days that I wished he did pick my mother over me. Your friend is rude and should have at least called you. I have seen your posts on the main pages. I enjoy your postings.
PS if you feel you need the channel to help you relax. please email me.
(13,028 posts)Glad you like my posts I have been here what seems like forever.
(15,676 posts)Sorry for just now seeing this, Panther. You know I have some shit going on in my life, so forgive the lateness of my birthday wish for you.
You helped me last week with the issue relating to my family member, remember??? You matter
and thats why youre here! I appreciated your kindness and your information.
(13,028 posts)You know you can PM me anytime you want to talk about your situation. I hope its improving.
(15,676 posts)Im sure Ill be asking more questions as time passes. My SIL entered an outpatient treatment facility this week and its still early, of course, but it seems to be a positive step.
We are hoping
(13,028 posts)You all luck and help that changes things.