Mental Health Support
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This message was self-deleted by its author (BainsBane) on Tue Jan 29, 2013, 08:06 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(6,581 posts)You've been fighting the good fight along with the rest of us. This is a small but great group of people, make yourself at home and make friends.
(55,657 posts)and I appreciate your threads in GD. Please don't regret writing it.
(1,089 posts)I'm new here, myself, and I've just recently been poking my head around since the topic has come up so much lately. Full disclosure: I'm a Gungeon native, and I haven't roamed the other boards much.
I'm glad you're hangin' in there, and I can definitely sympathize with your frustration. I've been struggling with my own head myself, and some of what I've read over there makes me want to pull my hair out. It seems like every time the subject comes up, the whole world wants to use one particular category of illness as a punching bag, and pretend it makes people not-quite-human. The generalizations and stigma have to go.
Response to Glaug-Eldare (Reply #3)
BainsBane This message was self-deleted by its author.
(6,581 posts)Just trying to yank dipstick's chain.
(36,063 posts)it is THEY who have the cognitive, emotional and behavior problems.
They've raised reactive paranoia to all new highs for DU.
(6,581 posts)... Her patients are often the most well-adjusted people within their family and social circles, and they seek treatment so they stay that way when dealing with the ones who aren't.
(24,146 posts)thanks for helping us fight the good fight
(6,581 posts)Because we are no less equal than anyone else in the society.
(24,146 posts)we're human beings no less than anyone else
(6,581 posts)Where I asked his advice about what kind of gun to buy for self defense?
(36,063 posts)At that point the thing to have done would have been to harpoon him, drag him on board and sell him to the Japanese for sushimi