Thanks everyone for the support yesterday and this morning. This guy was phenomenal.
He plowed through the BS in my chart put there by a couple non-behavior folks in only an hour.
He gave me some good advice and was going to put his diagnoses on top which is good and that I should continue to try to find the answer to living with or minimizing pain that may never be cured.
He said that the pain doctor field has been cut in half in the Twin Cities in the last 5 years do to "politics" and that most other doctors will not do pain control because of the risks. Urgent care only does Ibuprofen and Tylenol and ERs treat everyone as a drug seeker until proven otherwise which my three relapsing remitting problems is hard to pinpoint for treatment and cure and the best that can be done is pain relief until it passes.
I have never had more than one heavy pain med at a time, never at maximum doses, never for more than 90 days at a time. I am 62, I don't drink, don't smoke and have never used street drugs although there have been days when I know why people do. My Aunt gets really scared when I start passing out from pain so there are times when I need to go get some pain relief someplace.
Maybe being connected with this Pain Clinic group will be a good thing. I always was of the mind that I am not in unbearable pain more than some of the time and I should tough it out when I am. But it is getting harder as I age. I am not as tough and resilient as I once was and I do not have the same incentives of career, kids, etc.