Time For Jesus-Loving, Lady-Hating Pharmacists To Take Center Stage Again
who does a bigot have to oppress around here to get some attention anyway?
Time For Jesus-Loving, Lady-Hating Pharmacists To Take Center Stage Again
It’s been a minute since we checked in on the good people over at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. You might remember them from their previous hits like Hobby Lobby and their more recent tracks like “We Little Sisters of the Poor Are Too Little And Too Poor To Sign This ACA Accommodation Form So We Sued The Government Instead.” We love those songs! That’s why we are so thrilled to see that the piece they’ve been working on for several years, “We Are Pharmacists Who Love Jesus And Hate Dispensing Medication,” finally hit the big time with their petition to the Supreme Court this week.
You gotta admire the Becket folks for kicking it old school like this. We’d pretty much forgotten all about Jesus-humping pharmacists who don’t want to help the ladies kill babies because they’ve been totally overshadowed by cake bakers who won’t bake for the gays, pizza makers who won’t pizza for the gays, florists who won’t make lovely and delicate flower arrangements that are just so perfect for the gays, and, of course, the Michigan auto mechanic who won’t fix your gay car, homo. C’mon, gays! Let someone else have a turn.
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See, back in 2007, Washington passed a law that told these fine Christian folk, and every other pharmacist in the state, that they couldn’t just say NOPE to any ladies who needed emergency contraception known as Plan B. Pharmacists could refuse for other reasons such as “that will take too goddamn long” or “sorry, fresh out of baby-killing drugs today but we will have some more tomorrow,” but not “because Jesus said.” However, the Washington law still allows for you to exercise your deeply and sincerely held irrational fear of lady bits and refuse to dispense Plan B as long as some non-idiotic other pharmacist works with you and will fill the prescription. Haha but Stormans does not employ any of those sorts of heathens, so they just sent people down the road a bit to other pharmacies, which was kinda sorta completely against the law. So then Obama personally marched to their home in jackboots, clapped them in leg irons, and sent them to Leavenworth.
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Now the Becket fund is begging SCOTUS to take the case. We are especially fond of this part of the petition to the Supreme Court, where they whine about what a burden all this kerfuffle has been upon their poor poor plaintiffs. Abortion-rights groups also organized a boycott and picketing of Ralph’s. Picketers stood on both sides of the store entrance, yelling at customers and urging them to boycott the store. The Governor’s office joined in the boycott, canceling an account with Ralph’s that had been in place for sixteen years.
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Read more at http://wonkette.com/597593/time-for-jesus-loving-lady-hating-pharmacists-to-take-center-stage-again#ZmhuQx2AXp1sScYP.99