All OB-GYNs need abortion care training. A new bill aims to help them get it
Sami Stroebel, an aspiring obstetrician-gynecologist, started medical school at the University of Wisconsin in Madison last summer within weeks of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn the constitutional right to an abortion.
"I sat there and was like, 'How is this going to change the education that I'm going to get and how is this going to change my experience wanting to provide this care to patients in the future?'"
Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the Democrat from Wisconsin, has an answer to that question.
Today, she and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), the chair of the powerful Senate appropriations committee, are introducing the Reproductive Health Care Training Act. It establishes a grant program, to provide $25 million each year for the next five years to fund medical students who leave their states to learn abortion care, and programs that train them. It's especially important in states like Wisconsin that have near total bans on abortion.
"Students and their supervising clinicians have to travel out of state to get that component of their training," Baldwin tells NPR. "Meanwhile, neighboring states and this is happening across the United States, are accepting an influx of students."
I don't think this has the proverbial snowball's chance of getting through, but God bless Sens. Tammy and Patty for trying!