Related: About this forumTomato List '23
Cherokee Purple
Sun Sugar
Old German
Mortgage Lifter
German Queen
Black Krim
Other growy things
Swiss Chard (Fordhook)
Basil San Genovese & Thai Cinnamon
Sugar Snap Peas
Red Cayenne
Better Bell Green Pepper
Potatoes (some kind of red skin)

(49,158 posts)I've never had so many plants sprout. And so early. I think there will be a harvest this August.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)But then I found a cherry tomato at Walmart for $1.97. The 2 are doing OK, but when I came home from the hospital and rehab that sucker had spread all over the area I stuck it in, growing over the flowers and everything. I am going to have cherry tomatoes for all my friends, the neighborhood, etc!
(5,835 posts)but ifyou can geta good vegetative growth a great fall crop is possible.
If you get a late start try a heat resistant variety like "heat wave" or "phoenix"
beware the hornworms!. some years they get more tomatoes than i do.
Think. Again.
(21,666 posts)They're very good at camouflage but, they glow under black light.
I bought a $10 blacklight flashlight and start my mornings (before full sun-up) shining it on my maters and plucking off the day's baby hornworms before they do any damage.
like everything in nature, those hornworms do become beautiful hawk moths .
i need one of those uv flashlights!.
(4,728 posts)Diamond_Dog
(36,218 posts)What are your favorite tomatoes? I have never heard of Mortgage Lifter.
Sugar snap peas! Fresh from the garden, nothing better.
Our 2023 garden includes
Moby Grape, Celebrity, Brandywine, Health Kick, Beefsteak, Better Boy
Romaine, green Leaf, Red Leaf, Grand Rapids
Straight Eight Cukes
Hungarian Hot Wax peppers
Desperado green beans
(14,685 posts)I hope Botany posts pictures of his harvest. I want to see those!
Im in New Orleans and this year all of my ornamental plants are suffering in the heat. I didnt even try to grow veggies this year but I sure love hearing about other growers and their gardens.
Your lettuce sounds interesting. Ive never heard of Grand Rapids but Im already jealous of your garden.
(36,218 posts)I hope youre all okay.
My lettuce did particularly well this year! Weve grown Grand Rapids for years. Its a green leaf lettuce with frilly leaves. It is suited more for cooler weather
.now that were into the middle of July its finally starting to wilt. (Im in Ohio, BTW)
I just now came inside with a colander full of green beans. Its hot today (86) but not nearly what you have, Im sure.
A few pics of the green leaf, Romaine, red leaf, and Grand Rapids.
(12,962 posts)Have herbs in a box. Had so much lettuce of many kinds gave some away. Not much left. Garlic from last fall drying.
Cucumbers replanted in the fence. Something ate them. Made refrig peppers last week and ate some last eve. Delish.
Cherry tomatoes are coming slowly. Dogs love em. Have a great day all.
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)At some point, could you post photos of Red Cayenne and Jalapeno? I've never seen those plants.
As for Super Snap Peas, I'd love to see your trellis or whatever you use with those vines.
Good luck!
(5,835 posts)and are quite tasty in a pot of beans or a plate of scramble eggs.
i've got 3 tobasco plants and a jalapeno that i keep short and bushy and that make it through most winters if i can keep them from freezing. cayanne is also good.
(4,728 posts)Black Krim and Paul Robeson are my purples.
I like Principe Borghese for drying, good sharp flavor.
My mainstay is Striped (or Speckled) Roma, good sauce tomato with yellow stripes. Very hardy, strong flavor. Neglect them and they still produce. But they need calcium to prevent blossom end rot. A few eggshells will do it.
(16,249 posts)Tomatoes:
Dwarf speckled heart (my absolute fav, thriving this year)
Sungold (best for snacking, I always have at least two plants)
Nova (my sauce tomato, super productive)
Bumblebee (multi colored sungold type)
Spoon (free seed of a micro tomato. I gave it a challenging environment to keep its growth down to manageable levels)
Phils 2 (my fav fun tomato this year from baker creek seeds. Looks like it was bred in Chernobyl)
Aurora (all around eating and great for dry farming. These plants are just loaded)
A bunch of tomatoes from Ukrainian seeds:
Gargamel (large with purple shoulders)
Grannys throwing (large squat Italian heirloom)
Bulls heart gold (like dwarf speckled but not dwarf and yellow instead of red)
Batyana (another heart shaped but up to 21 oz fruit)
Ciliegia gialla (yellow orange cherry but compact/dwarf. Doing well in a large pot)
Ginger fox (yellow orange plum)
For peppers, Im growing lots of fireball and jalapeño because I make a sauce from the former and pickle the latter. I also have a bunch of peppers that Ive started from seed:
Aji chaparita
Brazilian starfish
Ralph Thompson
Pumpkin jalapeño
Trepadeira Warner
Im growing lots of fingerling potatoes in bags. Most of my winter squash is in bags. Theyre all doing great. I have a big raised bed of volunteer squash. Its possible that a squirrel relocated some of my seeds and its also possible that I have some pumpkin seeds from the compost, or a mixture of the two. They were growing in my garlic bed and I just left them to grow once I pulled the garlic. I just reseeded the bed with some dry bush beans, knowing that some of them will get a bit crowded out.
(8,139 posts)the last 10 days or so. Socal. Now pumping...making panzanella, BLTs, greek salad, marinara, tomato sauce (Hazan's, for gnocchi). Giving lots away. my list:
...Chocolate sprinkles (have 2)
...Blood Moon (have 2. nice new tomato from Boar Farms...not as tasty as Black and Brown Boar or Summer of Love)
...Madame Marmaunde
...Black Plum
...Green Zebra
...Black Sea Man
...a mystery one. Supposed to be Bronze Torch but it's something beefsteak-y.