Related: About this forumPlant Identification Help
If anyone has a clue it would be most appreciated. I live in the midwest and I bought this plant. It is a perennial. Last year it just had the funky foilage. The leaves are quite large at about 15 inches long an 4 inches wide. This year it took off with a spike of about 7 feet tall with all kinds of buds. It eventually fell over, I will need to stake it next year, but it is blooming while bent. (Blooming While Bent is one of my favorite Beatles songs)

(13,506 posts)But there's so much variation in Coneflowers, that the ID could depend on exactly where you live.
(18,219 posts)This is a large group of flowers, including black eyed susans (rudbeckia) and blanket flowers (gaillardia) as well as the more commonly known sunflower. I have rudbeckia and the ones that I have are biennial. The first year, it is just foliage, and the second year it flowers. It produces a lot of seeds and keeps spreading so that I have flowers every year.
(73,525 posts)Last edited Mon Jul 20, 2015, 11:49 AM - Edit history (2)

Silphium laciniatum
Plant some big bluestem or indian grass around it to hold up the flower .....
you can also cut the flower stalk so it doesn't get too tall.
It is called compass plant because the leaves will go north and south in order
that the leaf tissue gets less sun light and this saves H2O. Birds (finches)
love the seed.
(10,414 posts)That is it, thanks a lot!