Related: About this forumI cleaned out the bird bath and bleach got into the soil around a plant
It's a Mesa Azure Salvia, and the leaf tips are horribly burned.
Is there anything I can do to help the plant? How can I bleach the bird bath without poisoning the plant? Why did I have to learn this lesson the hard way?

Erich Bloodaxe BSN
(14,733 posts)Mine gets pretty nasty at times, but all I do is scrub it out with a hard sponge and a hose. The birds seem to be fine with that.
As far as the current plant goes, I'd think maybe just flush the area with a lot of water to diffuse the bleach as much as possible.
(21,044 posts)flush the plant with water. my dog prefers an unbleached bird bath.
(1,987 posts)I have been having much success with hydrogen peroxide to kill mold and mildew. It might be an alternative cleaning product for you to use on your birdbath.
Best of luck.
(11,406 posts)With any luck you'll just flush the bleach down deep into the soil.
(39,210 posts)and put it elsewhere, where it won't damage a plant.
Sometimes--a lot of times--gardening is not easy.