Related: About this forumQuestion: is it ok that a 2 yr old just throws doors open on anyone in the house? Even someone changing?
I think this is an issue of the "mother" not paying attention to the child and just letting her run rampant while she's on he fucking phone. But the "baby" just pushes doors open on anyone in the house. My son included...who may be the kids step dad, but still, it's not appropriate for her to think it's ok to do so OR to see him naked.
This is my son's gf, and the kid is not my grandchild. Or I'd have more to say about it.
But i did offer my 2 cents and said it was an issue of her not being watched well. Devin is pissed because he thinks it's inappropriate behavior and thnks she should not see him in a state of undress either. That the kid thinks she can just do anything and run rampant around the house is bullshit anyway...

Think. Again.
(21,635 posts)FirstLight
(14,708 posts)She's barged into my room and just climbed up on the bed to harass the cat. She literally had NO boundaries. and I believe that 2 years old is old enought to know what's not ok, like just opening a door when it's closed...
Think. Again.
(21,635 posts) choosing whch doors are socially acceptable to open at any given moment.
Wingus Dingus
(8,825 posts)Two year olds are only beginning to learn boundaries. They're babies, really. You can't expect consistent behavior or consistent obedience with them.
(16,037 posts)Doodley
(10,595 posts)Your son needs to take responsibility for the child and you. They are in your house and he needs to respect that. If his g/f isn't onboard, that is something he needs to handle.
Wicked Blue
(7,698 posts)unless she supervises her kid.
If the child gets injured you could end up getting sued.
(10,595 posts)responsibility, instead of just complaining. If he is in a step-dad role, which he needs to be, he needs to step up to the plate.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,022 posts)After all, a two year old's privacy is transgressed multiple times a day, of necessity.
Two year olds are scientists exploring a new world, testing things for sounds, seeing what happens when something breaks, discovering that people have reactions when you open doors, heck, they are just beginning to get a grip on the "Door" concept.
On the flip side, the reactions need to be measured because, hey two years old, but there need to be reactions or else how are they going to learn the meaning of it and learn the way self-respecting humans behave.
Notice I didn't tell you what to do other than treat a toddler with respect while doing whatever you decide to do. :smirk:
(3,967 posts)Make a game of it. Knock knock whos there? The child needs to be taught. Thats all.
(14,708 posts)Than even trying to make it a teachable thing...
She also puts her down for a nap for 4 hours a day and lets her fucking cry instead of even trying to help her rest or listening to the kids needs ..
(95,912 posts)And they need to learn how to parent. They need to respect your privacy and the fact that you are letting them live there. They already know what it's like to not have a home, they should have learned from that.
Just sayin'.
The child needs parental guidance.