Related: About this forumGryff has decided that bed time is a FINE time to play fetch
Two nights in a row! I toss the floofy fish a couple of times and then hide it. You see, when he fetches the floofy fish, he LEAPS across me to return it. Sometimes he doesn't leap quite far enough. Like last night when he landed on my head!!!
And then there's Madoc. Kind considerate and concerned Madoc. This morning I was trying to catch a little more sleep. He saw the porch kitcats furiously pawing away at the dining room window and decided I've been sleeping long enough. Fortunately he woke me by kissing my nose instead of pouncing on my feet or ribs, or dragging the duvet to the floor.
It's their world. I live in it only to serve.

Ocelot II
(123,559 posts)My indoor cat, Pixie, is rather elderly, like me, and she is usually fairly patient in the morning, but not this morning. She woke me up by walking back and forth on me, then passive-aggressively shoving small items onto the floor. When I got up she wound around my legs constantly muttering, "Rmmm! Hrrrr! Mrrrrm! Hrrrr!!" or words to that effect, which I took to mean that she was starving. She muttered at me all the way down the stairs. When I put her breakfast out for her she licked a little of it and walked away.
Gotta love 'em, but...
(66,282 posts)chowmama
(645 posts)He's noticed that Radar and DH are distinctly diurnal, so I'm elected. It doesn't help that my frequent insomnia reinforces this.
He grabs at my legs when I head upstairs and especially when I head towards the bedroom. Sometimes we have to ban him from the room, as he cries loudly until I roll towards the edge of the bed and pet him. Or he rattles the venetian blinds. Or he jumps up on my nightstand to play gravity games. "C'mon, Mom, there might be mice in the kitchen. A truck came down the street and you know I'm scared of them. Let's go downstairs and watch TV. I Want A Lap. Now."
Once in a while, he sleeps at night. Not often enough.
(19,715 posts)
(95,927 posts)What were you thinking trying to sleep in?
Your duties start when we say they do!
And they work as a team too. One might be the antagonist but the rest are perched nearby to watch for entertainment value.
(122,596 posts)of Madoc to look after the outdoor kits for you, letting you know when they need attention. Such a thoughtful boy!
There are always naps!
(378 posts)That is the best summation of cat "ownership" i have ever seen!! Kudos!
Still, i would not ever want to live in a world with out my" King Griffin" and" Princess Pixie", even though our expensive shades have been shredded because of their kittenhoods.