Related: About this forumNew Kitty Update!
Oh my gosh I love him so much! We played feather on a stick last night and I think it gave him confidence. We explored some in the house after that and he finally meowed at me. It's a sweet little meow, which is not surprising because he's such a sweet little dude.
This morning we discovered he's a coffee monster. Need to locate the lid to my coffee mug. Let him have a tiny nip, thinking he'd say Ewww! and that would be that. Wrong! He's a little fiend, lol! Also, he ate and drank well overnight so very happy about that.
Now the important part: Photos!
Now that he is relaxing and holding still for more than a few seconds at a time, I noticed how beautiful and unique his eyes are!
Kneading in my hair
Finally cleaned all the junk off the bed so I have a comfy spot to chill with him. And so he can lay there, too. In this one, he's contemplating the freshly washed green kitty bed and what lies beyond the guest room door.
This is yesterday morning, before I realized the moving shadows from the trees outside were scaring him (it was windy yesterday). The closet is his super extra safe spot.
Put some curtains up and he felt safe to come back out.
Looking at the pics from yesterday makes me realize how much progress he's already made! Pretty sure he went exploring while I was sleeping which is wonderful!
He's frickin' adorable!!
Need to take more still pics, been getting tons of video.
Edit to Add: As for changing the name he came with (Easy Cheese, which is cute but, as far as Ive seen, not really suited to him), hes been giving me William vibes. Definitely not Bill, but William. But, its too early to tell what his name is, well see what happens as we get to know each other.

(11,084 posts)I know you must be over the moon!
Congratulations on your new baby! =^..^=
Ocelot II
(123,559 posts)And he's drinking coffee, OMG!
(5,358 posts)It might be the milk hes attracted to, so going to get a jug of Lactaid next time Im at the store. I used to freeze it in an ice cube tray for Leo and give him a cube once a week as a treat.
(14,360 posts)Congratulations that he adopted you! It takes a while for them to become accustomed to the new sounds, scents and rhythm of a new place. You can be sure he explores when you're sleeping.
(4,112 posts)His looks are very distinctive. He looks like he has a wonderful personality. I'm so happy for you both.
(5,041 posts)Orange males are very good-natured. I have one myself.
(3,121 posts)catrose
(5,258 posts)At a certain age or if they've been on their own outside, They eat and drink anything. I learned about SimpleHuman trash cans with my last outdoor rescues.
(26,332 posts)...Mugsy.
(5,358 posts)But my old childhood BFF had a black manx kitty named Mugsy when we lived together, so that name has already taken a space in my heart.
(9,805 posts)The nicest cat I ever had (no offense to my current gang) was an orange boy named Freddie, actually Frederick P. H___ II. If I had your boy hed be Frederick III.
(5,358 posts)He is only the 2nd cat Ive ever intentionally been like, going out now to get a cat! and chosen. All my others were blessed gifts from the Cat Distribution System. I was specifically hoping and looking for an orange guy- hes my 4th and all have had the Dude as the last part of their name: Sammy the Dude, Leonides the Dude (Leo), and Ziggy Stardust the Dude. Orange guys are just so nice and sweet. They are such mellow little dudes! William the Dude sounds pretty good (but not finalized, hes still coming out of his shell and letting me get to know him).
(853 posts)Glad he's settling in well. Take care.
(95,927 posts)He's beautiful! Good to hear he's such a sweetie.
(24,444 posts)How old is he?
P.S.--I like William.
(5,358 posts)Man, the county shelter is so much better than it was 25 years ago! Its wonderful!
They estimated him at 1 yr when he was surrendered, but upped it to 3yrs after getting a good look during his neutering. Also found out from the surgery notes (!) that he had a testicle that didnt descend so he had abdominal surgery to locate and remove it. I had figured his belly was just shaved from mat removal
he let me take a peek last night and his abdominal incision has healed nicely. And, hes officially a certified badass because he has a little green tattoo on his belly (to mark that hes neutered. Still badass).
brer cat
(26,838 posts)Rebl2
(15,804 posts)are beautiful! Kind of remind me of a marble with beautiful color of streaks run through them.
(5,358 posts)and he's definitely feeling more confident! Yesterday he spent most of his time under the bed or in the closet.
Trying to get him used to music by playing it in the kitchen. So far, he's not a fan of guitar solos (too screechy, sorry Mssrs. Garcia, Gilmour, Anastasio, and Howe.)
He seems to like The Smiths, nice and mellow.
(47,755 posts)I had to give up my kitty when I moved into an apartment. She was adopted, so all is well with her. But I really miss having a kitty.
OTOH, I can leave food on the counter to thaw and my toilet paper doesn't get unraveled.
(122,596 posts)He is, and will contunue to be, an amazing little being!
By the way, I had a kitty who loved coffee. .with cream and sugar. I always had to have a cover over my coffee. A friend gave me a mug with the legend, "Yet another mug for my cat to drink from when I am not looking". One of my cats preferred to drink from her own mug rather than a bowl. My kuttehs were always a bit on the odd side.
Thank you for sharing him with us.