VICTORY: Student detained for passing out political flyers settles lawsuit with Illinois college
FIRE is generally associated with RW causes. Seems to me, if you're upholding 1A, that doesn't matter.
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Victory in FIRE First Amendment lawsuit! Student detained for passing out Shut Down Capitalism flyers settles lawsuit with Joliet Junior College.
In January, a student filed a lawsuit with FIRE after she was detained for handing out Shut Down Capitalism flyers.
With todays settlement, she helped protect the rights of more than 38,000 students.
In November, student Ivette Salazar was detained and interrogated by campus police for handing out political flyers. Today, Salazar settled her First Amendment lawsuit with Joliet Junior College.
VICTORY: Student detained for passing out political flyers settles lawsuit with Illinois college
By FIRE April 18, 2018
CHICAGO, April 18, 2018 Student Ivette Salazar and Joliet Junior College agreed today to settle Salazars First Amendment lawsuit against the Illinois college after she was detained for handing out political flyers. Salazars suit, filed Jan. 11, prompted policy changes that will protect the speech rights of the more than 38,000 JJC students.
Salazar was detained in November 2017 for distributing flyers from the Party for Socialism and Liberation that read Shut Down Capitalism. She was reported by campus staff, detained and interrogated by JJC police, and told she could not distribute her flyers without the colleges permission. The lawsuit against the public college was brought as part of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Educations
Million Voices Campaign, which aims to free the voices of one million students by striking down unconstitutional speech codes nationwide.

Thanks to Ivette, students at Joliet Junior College can peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights without having to fear being interrogated by campus police, said Marieke Tuthill Beck-Coon, FIREs director of litigation. We hope this case serves as an example to public colleges across the country, and we commend JJC for acting quickly to restore free speech on its campus.
If you are a student who has been censored on campus, FIRE and its
Legal Network partners stand ready to protect your First Amendment rights in court. Students interested in submitting their case to FIRE may do so through FIREs
online case submission form.
Attorneys interested in joining FIREs Legal Network should apply
on FIREs website.
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to defending liberty, freedom of speech, due process, academic freedom, legal equality, and freedom of conscience on Americas college campuses.
Daniel Burnett, Communications Manager, FIRE: 215-717-3473;