EEOC Expands Coverage for LGBT Individuals
EEOC Expands Coverage for LGBT Individuals
On the heels of the historic same-sex marriage Supreme Court decision, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has issued a ruling stating that existing civil rights laws prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual-orientation. The ruling directly concerns federal employees but also applies to the entire EEOC, which handles discrimination claims around the country including those in private employment. Although the Supreme Court could issue a different ruling in the future, and a challenge to this ruling is likely, EEOC decisions are given a great deal of weight in federal courts. While this EEOC ruling is momentous, there is still work to be done to codify anti-discrimination protections. Currently, less than half of the states - 22, plus the District of Columbia - have laws protecting LGBT individuals. Moreover, municipalities that are working to address this issue through local ordinances are often preempted by state laws.

(802 posts)I can't help but be passionate about finally not having to be closeted or accept second class citizenship. Twice now at hospitals that underwent change in management to a homophobic new boss, there was no one unaware amongst the staff of the homophobic basis for harassment and creation of hostile working environment for me, and in the second case myself and a transgender individual who was also hassled out of her position.
If I could retroactively sue... especially the second outfit for loss of income for this I would not hesitate. "Religious Freedom" my ass, I've suffered the consequences of outright "religious bigotry" twice now. No more!
The first job loss I experienced as an openly gay employee (and the only one in that department) there were two little birds (colleagues) who whispered to me to expect problems from the new boss. As that one was all part of a hostile takeover and working conditions took a nose dive in general anyhow, it was no big loss, and the company did give me a sizable severance pay.
But the second one was really bullshit. Both myself and the transgender girl were fired after collusion of this new homophobe with operatives who created false complaints. I actually still have the paper trail that would prove them wrong. So... no severance, no unemployment, no dignity. I honestly don't know how two operatives who outright lied to rid of us can live with themselves. But, this occurred in the great antediluvian conservative state of Arizona. So retaliatory action stands a candle's chance in hell, first of all because Arizona has de-funded and nearly shut down their state's EEOC departments, and although I haven't looked into it, but I doubt they'll go along with adding LGBT protection to their staunchly bigoted agencies.
However, I also dropped my Arizona license to practice there. I've seen how working conditions in general there have gotten worse and worse. I won't bother to renew until that turns around, if ever.