Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumOpen carry advocates can put police in tough situations
Now lets consider that same person talking to themselves walking down the street with a holstered handgun. Would you think this was odd or suspicious? What if that person was walking toward a school, mall, place of worship, through a neighborhood, on a beach, in a park or parking lot? Would you call the police?
In times like these, many of you would call the police, because you would not want to have it on your conscience that something terrible was about to happen and you did nothing. Bravo! You should call and have the police check it out, if you believe that anyone appears out of sorts, armed and potentially dangerous.
Now put yourself in the shoes of the police officer who just received the man or woman with a gun call. Officer you will no doubt be thinking of Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood or any other school, theater, mall, fast food restaurant or parking lot where some deranged pathetic loser has opened fire and killed or wounded innocent citizens or children for whatever reason their twisted mind concocted.

(6,185 posts)The examples given in the article seem to conflate planned attacks by mentally deranged people that were already banned from owning any firearm with Open Carry participants.
An example or two of actual ordinary citizens open carrying and going instantly berserk would support your implied need for concern.
I'm sure your Google file must have dozens of them from places like Arizona where it's common, right?
(113,131 posts)I leave the area. I just want to be away from any crossfire.
This state is bristling with guns and people on the outskirts of the cities and farther out need them, it's still wild and dangerous country. However, the guns here are necessary tools, not accoutrements to masculinity or security blankets to be toted in public.
(521 posts)Making the carrying of firearms there all the more appropriate, yes?
(255 posts)More concerned about the cell phone. It's infinitely more like to be the cause of distraction and a traffic accident leading to your early demise.
(18,318 posts)blueridge3210
(1,401 posts)
(16,974 posts)
(45,251 posts)I know. Duh.
However, I've thought and thought and that's the best I can do. I don't know.
stone space
(6,498 posts)IronGate
(2,186 posts)the cops will ask if the person is brandishing it, or threatening anyone with it, if not, they'll probably tell you that they're doing nothing illegal and have a nice day.
(905 posts)You don't happen to have a can of beans or a bicycle wheel on you?
(15,396 posts)Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)SecularMotion
(7,981 posts)
(16,974 posts)all you are left with is kicking a 6 month old Google cut and paste. Must be really slow times in the group you host.
(21,599 posts)
(12,194 posts)Someone call the police.
(6,185 posts)No police shootings of open carriers?
No open Carriers gunned down by criminals?
So, aside from annoying the piss out of some folks for a year, what have you and your friends got to show for all your "sturm und drang" over it?
Must be frustrating to be so consistently wrong on an issue year after year.
(15,333 posts)Not only does it smell of desperation, unanswered questions like yours point out
the intellectual dishonesty of their movement.