Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumNRA Smears Martin O'Malley As A Friend To Criminals With First 2016 Campaign Magazine Cover"The National Rifle Association's magazine America's 1st Freedom attacks Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley on its first cover focused on the 2016 presidential race. The issue's feature article outlandishly accuses the former Maryland governor of offering "hope and change to convicted killers and criminals," but the organization's overheated rhetoric is based on unfounded attacks on O'Malley".
"The NRA's feature attacks O'Malley on two fronts, claiming that he poses a threat to Second Amendment rights and accusing him of taking the side of criminals in Maryland -- even though courts have sided with O'Malley on gun laws and violent crime fell significantly during his tenure as governor.
Angered by O'Malley's strong support for a package of gun safety laws enacted in Maryland in 2013 following the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, the NRA claims O'Malley "imposed the most draconian new gun bans anywhere in the country" before offering attacks from the top two members of NRA leadership."
Must be doing something right to so piss off the fascist anti-Democratic Party NRA!
Well done.

(2,493 posts)That have had zero impact on crime in Maryland (which isn't surprising). Instead, violent crime has actually increased in Maryland, and especially Baltimore.
(11,627 posts)cause I have proof to debunk you:
That's from a website.
(2,493 posts)A story from May of this year:
Those nine dead brought Baltimores violent crime death toll to 35 just for the month of May, one of the bloodiest months in modern history.
Guns aren't the problem, poverty, the war on drugs, substandard education, etc. are the problem.
(11,627 posts)You are using Hot Air as a source on a liberal website?
This Hot Air?
Hot Air is the leading conservative blog for breaking news and commentary covering the Obama administration, the gun control debate, politics, media, culture, and the 2014 and 2016 elections.
Please, if that is your source, then you are just here to spread Right wing conservative BS.
Also, O'Malley hasn;t been the mayor of Baltimore for almost a Decade. and seriously, let's take a look at who the CURRENT governor is Republican Larry Hogan.
(2,493 posts)But attack the source? So if I find another source that shows the same, you'll be agree with me? Here you go:
And with regard to O'Malley's time as mayor, here's this, even though we were talking about laws O'Malley signed as governor, not when he was mayor:
Are you really trying to blame Baltimore's violence on Hogan? That seems pretty ridiculous, since he's been in office for something like 7 months.
(2,493 posts)So whatever he did with regard to gun control didn't impact crime until (at the absolute earliest) the middle of 2013, so it seems disingenuous to cite 2013 crime stats. And those statistics are in line with the general decline in violent crime nationwide.
(138,752 posts)Martin O'Malley just wrote The attacks on me are rolling in:
yesterday I found out the NRA is putting me front and center on one of their magazines. Check it out below. Also, apparently Donald Trump called me a "disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby." And now, on the day I released my plan to expand Social Security, the Third Way says it's "political pandering at its worst."
Want to help me stand up against these attacks? Donate $15 today.
Here are the facts: just a week after I get a bump in the polls, more folks are putting my campaign and progressive vision for the nation in their crosshairs.
We're gaining momentum and I need your help to show these guys we're not afraidthat we stand by our progressive values. We stand by expanding social security and the right to unionize. We stand by gun safety regulations.
Donate $15 to stand up to the NRA. Donate $15 to tell Donald Trump we're not backing down. Donate $15 to tell the Third Way we WILL expand Social Security.
Donald Trump called me a little baby just one day after I stood with workers from his hotel in Las Vegas who want to unionize. I am not interested in a race to the bottom with Mr. Trump, and I am proud to stand with those who have the guts to stand up to him. We should be making it easiernot harderfor workers to organize.
Donate $15 if you're with me.
The National Rifle Association took out a whole feature to slam me for saying I'm "eager to make gun control an issue in campaign to be president. Yes. I definitely am. I am proud to stand against the congressional gun lobbyists who think that it is extreme to support things like background checks or a ban on high-capacity magazines.
Donate $15 if you're with me.
The Third Way thinks I want to expand Social Security because it "polls well." This isn't about polls. I am proud to stand up for our most vulnerable because it's the right thing to do.
Donate $15 if you're with me.
This is just the beginning. They are coming after me now, and I am sure there will be more attacks. Commit to this campaign today to say youre on the right side of these issues.
Thanks for your support,
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)It is like an alarm goes off at NRA HQ ever time a post is made here not worshipping the precious GUNS.
The silence of Full Ignore of Insanity is golden.
(16,974 posts)If not then, why has crime risen? That gun control must be working. He takes credit for the drop that happened as all crime was dropping. He should get credit for the laws he passed and the rising crime rates.
(138,752 posts)crime rates declined sharply. Sorry I don't have stats handy.
(16,974 posts)Many more murders in just Baltimore this year? Maybe I am wrong and it has gone down everywhere else to compensate for this rise.
(11,627 posts)and I will find the link, but there has been a policing slowdown in Baltimore since the murder of Freddie Grey.
Let me finish up what I am doing right now (canning peaches
YUM) and I will get the link, unless you want to find it yourself.
(16,974 posts)Just does not seem like those laws he passed are working as well as some say.
(11,627 posts)This is not a group I generally like to post in. I posted as I am an O'MAlley supporter and this group (with no offense) is not really in my wheelhouse.
The reality is that many people who are staunchly pro 2nd amendment (for lack of a better way to put it) are always going to not support O'MAlley for the gun control laws he got passed in Maryland.
If people are using Hot Air as a source in this group (see a post above), I really don't feel like discussing this topic here.
PEace to you all,
(16,974 posts)this group allows and encourages differing points of view. You can tell that by the low number of blocks. I agree most here will not go with OM on his gun control laws. However you would be surprised how many here want good laws that will actually make some kind of difference like UBC and opening the NICS to private sales. We also point out the facts that can be inconvenient for some. If you want to talk gun control, in a "safe haven" that does not allow the opposing view go to the other gun related group.
Might be more to your liking. While this group only has 2 blocked and allows open dialog, that group has 49 blocked and tends to block all that do not agree for any reason even if it is a self deleted post. Just be aware the pace is very slow over there!
(11,627 posts)I appreciate your response.
You are a good egg.
(16,974 posts)Some do not think that of me. Had some pretty bad insults directed my way.
(7,981 posts)[center][/center]
(16,974 posts)A host and has to post an insulting childish comic strip. To bad can not even post your own words. The poster I responded to is very polite and we disagree on some issues. To bad you are not more like them. Truly sad as you are a host and should hold yourself to a higher standard. I really feel sorry for you.
(12,194 posts)Just goes to show you theres a difference between people that genuinely believe in some degree of gun control who discuss it in a rational civilized manor, and doctrinaire gun control zealots who wont.
Fortunately, the latter usually don't take long to self-identify.
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)That's what the dog says just before he gets whapped across the nose with a newspaper.
(2,493 posts)So not sure Hogan has been in office long enough to blame him for all of the policies his predecessor enacted.
(11,627 posts)beevul
(12,194 posts)Timothy Johnson is the guns and public safety program director at Media Matters, having previously spent time at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence Legal Action Project and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. He is a graduate of The George Washington University.
Theres an unbiased source for you...
Dear fred,
You still can't have them.
Yours truly,
(21,599 posts)that Media Matters had no moral conflict buying guns to arm its people as bodyguards when going to D.C. to pick up a check from the Joyce Foundation to study gun violence. Little details like the D.C. laws were not a hindrance or worthy of being followed.
Our elite masters are above such proletarian concerns.
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)Kang Colby
(1,941 posts)MOM's gun laws went into effect 10/1/2013. Crime in Maryland, specifically violent crime in Baltimore has gone way up. Meanwhile crime rates in bordering states with normal firearm laws and regulations remain lower, take your pick W. VA, DE, PA, VA...all have lower rates of violent crime.