Though this doesn't surprise me as MSM has been and remains staunchly in the camp of gun-ban agitprop.
I can't help but recall the form letter sent to a subscriber of Time Magazine (back when its circulation was 6,000,000+) when the reader complained of the mag's anti-gun slant. The editor essentially said the time for discussion was over and there was no real issue, and the dialog was one to support control/bans. That was some 40 yrs ago.
I wonder if the shriveled remains of legacy MSM would do it that way all over again. My guess is they would, as the "issue" is not really the murder rate, or mass killings, or some variety of terrorism, but an issue of style and culture and an overcooked ideal that media could reàly lead a charge against some societal evil as they were charged with at the beginnings of this nation. On a side note, this nation was founded on the power of an expanding mass media, fully featured in the First Amendment. Now, that model of communication and revolution, and that measure of national viability, has come to near collapse within my adult lifetime. And so far there seems to be little real replacement for MSM and (historically) its short-lived power.