Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumMistaking her for an intruder, Florida woman shot and killed her 27-year-old daughter Florida family is grieving after a mother shot and killed her 27-year-old daughter:
Detectives have started their investigation into the events, which unfolded at 11:51 p.m. on Tuesday when the woman was asleep in her bed and thought she heard an intruder enter the house, according to St. Cloud police.
She told police she heard the person quickly approaching her, so she fired a single shot. Police would not say where the daughter was shot.
The daughter died from the gunshot wound. Police are not releasing the names of those involved:
(31,464 posts)Just stories that start with "A Florida woman/man..."
It will save a lot of space. And it will certainly be amusing for those of us who can't stomach The Lounge.
Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)![](/emoticons/sarcasm.gif)
(25,289 posts)..she could've stood her ground, instead of now being buried under it.....and Wayne LaPeeError would be happier.
(4,762 posts)Ok you hear an "intruder" and fire blindly into the dark?
She deserves whatever pain she's in.
(16,974 posts)Know your target and what is behind your target before firing.
Chicago and New York police should also follow this rule.
(3,457 posts)I personally think that she just used the whole thing as an excuse to get rid of an annoying daughter.
(16,974 posts)The rules are there for a reason.
(4,762 posts)Glad to run into another hunter on here!
Rule 2 (after never point at anything you wouldn't shoot) is never shoot when you can't see what you're shooting at. It's taught to 9 year olds.
The biggest problem of gun ownership in the US is that we let *any moron* own one -- and man do we have a lot of video-game/TV/HCFS-addled morons in this country. Serious training and individual tested licensing should be federally mandated and we'd solve half our problems right away. Instead of restricting just guns as such, put onerous stipulations on the gun purchaser to prove s/he is neither crazy not stupid and make them pass courses and tests just like drivers do.
(16,974 posts)rjsquirrel
(4,762 posts)Your name implied otherwise, apologies.
I do. Proudly so. Big game too.
(16,974 posts)A career as an army air defense artillery soldier, AKA a duckhunter
(4,762 posts)Thank you for your service and that explains the firearms knowledge.
(15,396 posts)Safety first, poking a hole in a family member by mistake....never.
(4,762 posts)If someone is panicked enough and stupid enough to fire blindly in the dark how likely are they to actually use a rail to sight?
(18,614 posts)Human101948
(3,457 posts)discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,614 posts) the point of redundancy without unique insight or mention of special circumstances. This was an accident. The shooter's husband is a police detective. It seems that efforts to disarm the general public would not have removed the firearms from this house.
There were 586 fatal firearm accidents (or as the CDC terms it unintentional) in 2014 along with 136,053 other unintentional deaths of which 31,959 were due to "falls". So for every 1 person shot and killed by accident, there are about 55 who accidentally fell and died. One conclusion that could be reached here is that people in general are a lot more careful with guns than they are just using stairs or ladders. People have exactly 2 natural and universal basic fears, a fear of falling and a fear of sudden loud noises. I conclude that there are accidental shooting deaths because the loud noise only occurs after the gun is fired. Why there are so many fatal falls I can only attribute to people being essentially and wontonly careless.
Maybe in the future one measure which may have some effect on this cause of death would be the smart gun with a bio-metric interlock. This could prevent cases where a panicked and untrained person grabs the gun of another and injures a friendly or themselves. IMHO this technology is about 7-10 years away and perhaps the recent EA designating funding will help.