Reaching Consumers by leveraging Mobile Devices + Social
I find the "brave new world" of advertising in a social media age to be absolutely fascinating. It's like this crazy, 3-D, real time puzzle that marketers (not necessarily the smartest or most numbers inclined folks in my experience) are really struggling with. Here's a good video explaining some of these issues (and possible sollutions) from the IBM General Manager.
I have a quick rant I want to go on, and I'd be curious to hear whether or not you good DU folks think I'm totally off-base here... Basically using big-data and improved analytics has a lot of potential in the marketing and advertising field, but too often (in my experience) the decisions in some of the most innovative and important fields are being made by old guys, who cut their teeth managing Myspace band-sites, and haven't necessarily "kept up." This is a field that is primed for a "Moneyball" style revelation - and I'm very curious to see which brand or company comes up with the marketing version of On-Base Percentage...