The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed
Forbes David Axe
Feb 23
The F-35 is approaching a crossroads, Grazier said...
...If were going to pull the trigger on a new fighter, nows probably the time, Grazier said. The Air Force could end F-35 production after just a few hundred examples and redirect tens of billions of dollars to a new fighter program...
This article is worth a look.

Brush Bunny
(96 posts)Rethugs made out like bandits on this one once again. Boondoggle!!!
marble falls
(63,660 posts)msongs
(70,771 posts)msongs
(70,771 posts)ret5hd
(21,320 posts)Abnredleg
(1,028 posts)It's doing well on deployment and is revolutionizing how we fight. But there was no way we were going to replace all our F16s with F35 due to cost so, as Forbes points out, it is a failure. That's why the Navy has ordered more F18s, and the USAF has reopened the F15 line. They're old aircraft, but with new avionics they are nearly as capable as the F35,particularly when armed with stealth weapons. The F35 will be needed for peer adversaries for first day operations, while the remaining fleet will handle other operations. The military is working on unmanned combat aircraft so the F35 may be the last manned fighter we design.
Don't count on big savings, however, because they're just diverting funds to different aircraft.