General John Allen: U.S. will keep presence in Afghanistan after 2014

General John Allen: U.S. will keep presence in Afghanistan after 2014
By Ewen MacAskill, The Guardian
Monday, March 25, 2013 23:36 EDT
The US and its allies will retain a presence in Afghanistan big enough to bolster Afghan forces after the withdrawal of international combat troops at the end of 2014, the recently retired commander in Afghanistan, General John Allen, said on Monday.
Speaking in Washington, Allen said he had never been asked to produce a report on the so-called zero option the suggestion that no American troops would remain after the 2014 deadline, floated by one White House adviser in January.
Instead, Allen said that he expected that Obama would approve a force that would be commensurate with ensuring that the Afghan security forces could be properly supported.
In spite of the complexity of the relationship between the Obama administration and Karzai, whose term is due to finish next year, Allen stressed that the US and other countries intended to stick with Afghanistan for the long term.
unhappycamper comment: The Forever War continues,