America: Always Searching for New and Better Ways to Kill People
America: Always Searching for New and Better Ways to Kill People
Friday, 12 April 2013 15:39
It's not at all hard to believe that our most popular national priority right now is to see how many more new and effective weapons of death we can supply our troops with, supply foreign dictators with, supply our cities' paramilitary police with, supply every rabid gun-nut and gangsta in the country with and/or also supply ourselves? Geez Louise!
And can you also believe that we just spent over 300 billion dollars on developing an F-35 bomber which, despite its crappy design, construction and performance, is still an ultra-deadly weapon of mass destruction on a post-Godzillian scale?
What ever happened to knives, shivs, nunchuks, baseball bats or even fists? If you really want to kill someone that badly, shouldn't you be required to do it with just your bare hands?
Over in this pile on my left we have all kinds of stuff we could be spending our money on that would make us healthy, happy and safe. And over in that pile to my right we have all kinds of stuff to kill people with. If you were to compare these two piles right now, one pile would about the size of a wedding cake -- maybe. And the other pile would easily dwarf the Empire State Building or even the Twin Towers -- the one that all the gazillion weapons we own couldn't save. How misguided (or even sick) is that!
unhappycamper comment: Here's some of the stuff we are currently building:
At least $243 million dollars
$318 million dollars
At least $5 billion dollars
At least $16.5 billions dollars (I suspect delivered cost to be around $40 billion dollars)
And the list goes on and on and ....