Shadows of dishonor cast on the U.S. military
Shadows of dishonor cast on the U.S. military
May 20
Donald Bradley and Rick Montgomery
Kansas City Star
Is the respect that America holds for its military a pride shown Saturday in Armed Forces Day observances being undercut by acts of mayhem, a growing sexual abuse scandal and a flurry of other misconduct cases grabbing headlines?
Jury selection is scheduled to start next week in the court-martial of Maj. Nidal Hasan, the Army psychiatrist charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder at Fort Hood, Texas. By the time testimony begins for Hasan, the trial for WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning should also be underway.
There is Robert Bales. He is the Army sergeant charged with the massacre of 16 Afghan civilians, including nine children. At pretrial hearings, the military said it would seek the death penalty.
Throw in record suicides. Throw in what Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey deemed last week a crisis of military rape and vows by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to make the court-martial system more accountable.