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Furious Duckworth Rips Scumbag Contractor A New One: Twisting Your Ankle Playing Football In Prep School Is Not Serving and Defending This Nation
by Abby Zimet
06.26.13 - 6:17 PM
Rep. Tammy Duckworth, who lost both legs and severely injured an arm as a helicopter pilot in Iraq, was a fierce sight to behold at a House hearing today where she blasted a contractor who made millions from federal contracts by "gaming the system" and claiming to be a "service-disabled veteran" because - wait for it - he hurt his ankle playing football at a military prep school. After being granted preferential treatment in federal contract bids, Braulio Castillo's Strong Castle company made as much as $500 million over six months from contracts with the IRS, where he also had a chum who coached him. The hearing came after a damning report detailing "problematic and abusive" relationships between the IRS and federal contractors. In the high point of Duckworth's admirable, furious performance in which she summoned up the thousands of grievously wounded, truly deserving veterans now going without adequate care because of bozos like him, she read from a letter Castillo sent the VA begging for special status, citing "the crosses that I bear due to my service to this great country...(and) I would do it again."
Im so glad that you would be willing to play football in prep school again to protect this great country, she said. Shame on you, Mr. Castillo. Shame on you. You may not have broken any laws but you certainly broke the trust of this great nation. You broke the trust of veterans.

Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Shame on you, Mr. Castillo. Shame on you. You may not have broken any laws
but you certainly broke the trust of this great nation. You broke the trust of veterans.
Nothing really to add to such an eloquent statement.
(1,918 posts)Tammy Duckworth is the epitome of an American patriot
(53,475 posts)leftyohiolib
(5,917 posts)Scuba
(53,475 posts)monmouth3
(3,871 posts)beemer27
(543 posts)We could use a few more like Tammy. The good ole boy contractor MIC has gotten so big that it is going to take a major effort, and a lot of honest people to bring it down to a manageable size. Ten more like Tammy might be enough.
(2,205 posts)"Job Creating Entrepreneurs"= SCUM
(36,392 posts)I cannot at the moment think of a single one of them who I consider human
(11,357 posts)Salute!
Hubert Flottz
(37,726 posts)I had to watch it half a dozen times and I laughed every time. She ripped that parasite a new ass!
(3,944 posts)but I also wanted to cry. You know what I mean?
Hubert Flottz
(37,726 posts)just made me laugh.(shock and awe)
I approved of her message 100%. I was very proud of the congresswoman. She fights on to this day, for the real USA. I think the founding fathers would be in her corner.
life long demo
(1,113 posts)Another strong Democrat who fought for our country. God bless you.
(18,014 posts)... especially as it appears a good few of the males there have had their spines removed.
-- Mal
(668 posts)Please go after this piece of shit, he has no shame. get him out as a government contractor, he is one of the things that is wrong with this country, but he will use his connections within the government to keep bringing shame to the system.
The Wizard
(13,092 posts)seize his assets and put the son of a bitch in chains.
(64,857 posts)I almost feel sorry for the lying parasite.
Evergreen Emerald
(13,095 posts)mountain grammy
(27,581 posts)and a good Congresswoman. These contractors who rip off the government should be forced to repay what they've scammed or go to jail and barred from any future contracts.
This is how privatizing everything works; not so good.
Vinnie From Indy
(10,820 posts)will there be anything done about it? I am quite sure that a guy like Castillo that is making tens of millions of dollars from these contracts is perfecty fine with being yelled at as long as the money keeps flowing. One thing I have always found to be true with men like Castillo - they have no sense of shame or honor. Her harsh words to him was merely background noise that was quickly forgotten later in the evening as he lit cigars with $100. bills and relaxed in a solid gold hot tub on his 100' yacht as it sailed to his private island.
(7,886 posts)Lije she said "You might not have broken any laws" therefore nothing will happen. There are many people, even here that stand by that idea that if it's legal, then it's just fine and we should shut up about it.
(1,009 posts)is that real veterans will have nothing to do with him and they will spread the word and his ability to get the next contract will dry up like a booger in the desert. He better collect as much as he can, because he's effectively retired.
(162,429 posts)the gal kicks royal ASS!!!
(34,825 posts)he'll be laughing about this over a few drinks with his asshole buddies.
(3,517 posts)Thank you unhappycamper for posting this.
(3,517 posts) Donor Lookup
Romney, Mitt
Historic NY
(38,611 posts)when she went over.
(314 posts)He should be sent to Afghanistan as rifleman and made to hump in the mountains.
I was no Hero in Vietnam but at least I put my time in there and deal with that results of that.
(9,644 posts)Otherwise know as lying on a federal form. I believe that's a felony.
(6,891 posts)This gentleman's bio says he attend 3 universities and received degrees, also that he was accepted to West Point, but served in the Army as an enlisted man and suffered a service connected disability. But Rep. Duckworth claims he received his injury at someplace called West Point Military Prep Academy, which sounds like a high school for future West Pointers that I never heard of before. Is it a federally operated high school? Did the guy ever serve on active duty, or did attendance at the prep academy count as active duty service, and is that why spraining his ankle counts as a service related disability? I would find the latter to be disturbing.
Historic NY
(38,611 posts)so they can make better grades. There is no evidence he got anywhere after that in the army. Pig skin is tougher than gun to carry so he would be a different story if he was a Cadet.
If a candidate fails to gain admission after the preparatory academic year (due to poor grades, an injury, or is denied admission for some other reason), then the candidate is not required to repay the scholarship grant.
(10,237 posts)...GO TAMMY!!!
(22,666 posts)
(37,142 posts)I'm glad she ripped him a new one, but sadly agree with those who say that welfare kings like him have no shame and will put up with the criticism as long as the dollars keep flowing.
(24,740 posts)nolabear
(43,628 posts)
(1,009 posts)a plethora of qualified and capable female politicos. They don't need the old guards of Feinstein and Pelosi (or even Hillary). With Warren, Davis, Duckworth, Speier, even Gabby Giffords. I'd like to see a Warren/Davis ticket with Duckworth as SecDef, Speier as SecCommerce.
There's others but I'm sitting at a bus stop to do some investigating.
(59,305 posts)!
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)reusrename
(1,716 posts)"I thank the gentle lady and the time was well spent."
era veteran
(4,069 posts)Lt Colonel, National Guard, Soldier on.
I thought USMA Prep School at Ft Belvoir VA. I did not know the Point was fishing for football players, that is a Goddamn shame too.
Should be looking for people that want to be Officers.
(135,425 posts)He got into the Naval Academy on his tennis-playing skills.
He graduated and went to AVIATION training--which costs a fortune. After a few years of that, he decided he didn't like it and went to SEALS. He defended St. Kitts against all enemies, foreign and domestic. He missed the one big engagement of his time in uniform (Gulf 1) and I have a feeling he was either offered early out in the slash-and-burn drawdown or he failed of selection to 0-4. Nonetheless, he tried to paint himself as a big war hero during his (awful) senate campaign. He was anything but--anyone who still runs around wearing their Navy issue aviation jacket with aviation and SEAL insignia (designed to be worn on the uniform, not as a "candidate's brooch" pinned to it in slipshod fashion after having left the service over a decade and a half previously, with no combat deployments, is a bullshitter to me.
Of course, if "the standard" for bullshitting is "I turned my ankle in Academy prep" then I guess Tennis Boy, the Defender of the Caribbean IS a "war hero"....!