The War or Nothing Tunnel Vision

The War or Nothing Tunnel Vision
OpEdNews Op Eds 9/6/2013 at 18:32:39
By Neal Chalabi Chambers
Listening to a news program today a little after 2:30pm PST, continued developments in the discussions surrounding the Syrian Crisis elevate concerns that the U.S. is not interested in a humanitarian solution in Syria insisting on military action or nothing.
A spokesperson for the Administration said that regarding Military Intervention, "We will not entertain implausible arguments".
That is tell-tale. The speaker would not speak the unspeakable, that our assumption that President Assad would effectively commit suicide by using chemical weapons is plausible but that some private or secret interest, currently supplying the very poor rebels with expensive weaponry to orchestrate a a takeover of Syria and of the oil pipeline through Syria is implausible.
If it is so implausible, why is it not mentioned in the news? The reason it is not mentioned is to prevent people from coming to the conclusion that the rest of the world already has concluded: the chemical weapons are more likely to have been released by interests that wish to use the U.S. military to serve their economic gain. That is what is called 'implausible'.