Related: About this forumIllegal VA policy allows hiring since 2002 of medical workers with revoked licenses
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#BREAKING: The Department of Veterans Affairs has allowed its hospitals across the country to hire health care providers with revoked medical licenses for at least 15 years in violation of federal law, a USA TODAY investigation has found.
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Illegal VA policy allows hiring since 2002 of medical workers with revoked licenses
Donovan Slack, USA TODAY Published 7:43 a.m. ET Dec. 21, 2017 | Updated 4:37 p.m. ET Dec. 21, 2017
The Department of Veterans Affairs has allowed its hospitals across the country to hire health care providers with revoked medical licenses for at least 15 years in violation of federal law, a USA TODAY investigation found.
The VA issued national guidelines in 2002 giving local hospitals discretion to hire clinicians after prior consideration of all relevant facts surrounding any revocations and as long as they still had a license in one state.
But a federal law passed in 1999 bars the VA from employing any health care worker whose license has been yanked by any state.
Hospital officials at the VA in Iowa City relied on the illegal guidance earlier this year to hire neurosurgeon John Henry Schneider, who had revealed in his application that he had numerous malpractice claims and settlements and Wyoming had revoked his license after a patient death. He still had a license in Montana.

(543 posts)It is getting old to hear politicians claim that they are doing so much to care for Veterans, then see what actually happens at the VA. Most of the workers at the VA are qualified caring people, but some of them could not hold a job ANY place. The stuff that gets approved behind closed doors is disgusting some times.
(3,557 posts)The set up the situation where they allow the VA to fail then they say told you the government cant do anything right!
I love the VA. Ive gotten lots and lots of great care from them over the years. Id be lost if I were subjected to civilian psychiatric care for my severe PTSD. The VA might have its faults, but that is true with any large organization. The vast majority of people there care about what they are doing - and it shows.