Related: About this forumMister is off to benning beware Im rambling
His recruiter picked him up at 0315. The sgt has two more to pick up then to the meps center. Sarge is gonna treat the men to breakfast, I walked down at 0230 to him and his mothers home. Well I text first I just didnt wanna show up. So we sat and talked and had coffee he will be fine. I could just not sleep drifting in and out not getting to the deep sleep. Getting dressed my wife asked its 0145 you going to gym planet fitness. No I told her Im gonna see him off she wanted to know if I wanted her to come. I told her just stay in bed there will be enough tears from those two.
It was hard for mother and son to say goodbye. And walking home I can not help but think this is bad time to be going with idiot in office. This morning I told him you were a cross country runner and other day at the gym you beat me on the rope climb and pull ups at the YMCA. So physically your gonna be ok and you will get stronger. It is mostly mental and just get it in your mind that it will be over soon. Thirteen weeks will fly by fast.
The only regret I have from Osut training benning as I sit here over a coffee at 51 years old. Is not stopping a blanket party on a fellow trainee. He was at that time a fuck up and always causing mass platoon punishment. At 18 like 6 weeks in your getting aggressive and think you fellow trainee are a problem. I laid in my rack listening to him being beat gagged held down. After I caught a pcs like 2 years later from Bragg to west Germany. I ran into him he was in alpha and he was on chapter status. Why because he was slightly retarded and the army tested him then in west Germany . Then the army I heard through rumor mill found out that his recruiter had someone take his asvab. Ok Im done rambling first day back to school for the boys I go to work tomorrow night.

(15,177 posts)Sorry for that recruit.
(14,138 posts)Not sure I never saw the movie.
(14,138 posts)I did see the movie I got you
(12,360 posts)for going in. My nephew graduates from Coast Guard training/bc in 2 Days. I thought The CG would be the safest option. I did not realize that they are Homeland Security. They were told the Marines are the brawn of HS, and they are the brains of HS. He was hoping to be a gunner on a patrol boat (one of the top marksmen in his class) but found his options a bit limited when they discovered that he is colorblind.
His recruiter sucked. Almost screwed him up totally re: reporting and a few of the requirements. Apparently you enter at a higher grade if youre an Eagle Scout. Recruiter failed to note that as well as a few other things. Luckily he knew some other Coasties, one a retiree who was rather a BFD in the CG. He got things straightened out and the recruits this guy signed are being reviewed.
So proud of my nephew, but wish he had gone directly into college. He wants to double major in law enforcement and wildlife management. His goal is to be a park ranger. His 2 younger brothers are lining up for the Navy. They all are offspring of my Trump-humping SIL/BIL.
Best of luck to your son. My one nephew told me the best way to get through is to keep your head down and be a Grey man.
He is not my son a neighbor boy
marble falls
(63,660 posts)and the 'slow' guy who very well could have been blanket partied during an unauthorized 'unit cohesion exercise' went directly to fleet as an "Airdale" - an aviation boatswains mate striker on an aircraft carrier, the most dangerous job in the Navy in '72.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
(2,679 posts)Im glad you went down there. Im sure it was tough. Im always reluctant to recommend Infantry to anyone who heart isnt set on it. I tell them that they should get something with a job skill you can use. If they are dead set on Infantry I try to give them an honest assessment of the job. There is a lot of suck times as an 11B. But you make life long bros, and even if you different generations you still have a whole lot in common.
I loved my time in the Infantry but it took me years to be break a lot of those habits. I was more crude for sure and it does change your outlook at life. I still eat half my meals out of bowl. Lol
We didnt have a fuck up in our class. So I never saw anything like the blanket party. I did see one of the fire guards flashlight come flying down the aisle and him on the ground. I was going to piss and I guess he fell asleep. They dumped him on the floor.
Ill say a prayer, light a candle or sacrifice a goat. Which ever you prefer.