Related: About this forumMary Magdaline her father on D day
What a fine man I thought reading her post. Her father sees his LT catch round and these men they are trying to organize to carry out mission. And her father keeps it glued together ok people what a stud we have get this done , I joke as Im former airborne infantry but I always have had sense humor. My thoughts airborne just another way to hump a rucksack and weapon after leaving aircraft. But Mary father carried the day and I respect that what a stud. Airborne infantry on DZ LT just got wasted one fine gentleman he figure out we gotta move what a stud.
My wife tells me I take nothing to seriously but vets read this fine daughters post about her father it touched me. And her father carried it thru on D day.

(7,934 posts)From baby face to dog face in 12 months
Dad would appreciate your GI humor. He was an Ernie Pyle fan.
(14,138 posts)Today Im six foot 145 pounds but I still I really have that attitude anytime anywhere airborne lets go work your father my friend was stud my respect
(7,934 posts)Tell them your experiences and tell them what you think of war and/or military experience, countries where you have served.
One day, they may wish they had asked you all of these questions.
(14,138 posts)I was scrawny 18 year old that volunteered for 82nd. 325 pir parachute infantry regiment 1984 after infantry school Im 53 now but I never forget those who suffered paying my respect to your father my friend
(2,679 posts)The 507th now runs everything Airborne at Benning. Jump School, Pathfinder and a jumpmaster course .
(14,138 posts)Her post earlier I had respond about her father adapt overcome but a warrior
We hold nothing to these warriors we may have been airborne but these men were studs that dropped or went ashore in Normandy Id been pissing my pants German flak ripping thru aircraft airborne waiting for green lite all fine men
I saw her post.