Related: About this forumI had a great conversation with a Janitor at my VA today
I was walking into the building and I saw a guy dusting and cleaning the two portraits of trump and the VA secretary that are in every VA facility. I told the guy you dont have to clean the trump portrait! He answered that he only does it because his boss tells him to. He then went on to (happily) describe some of the vandalism hes had to deal with regarding the trump portrait. People spit on it, throw coffee at it, etcetera. It made my day!
I still keep meaning to bring a marker with me to deface his picture. In fact, a few weeks ago as I was checking out of my appointment, I jokingly asked one of the people behind the counter if I could borrow a sharpie to deface the trump picture. Without hesitation, she handed me one and said please do!

(1,098 posts)Your story was heart warming. I happened to be in a Navy Federal Credit Union office today, and asked if they had any USS John McCain hats. "chuckle, chuckle".
I'm Army, but I'm looking for a navy hat sold through a ships store. That hat would be official. Not something from Amazon.
I've thought about doing something you described. But, I also say get thee devil off my shoulder.
(16,015 posts)I did!
(59,174 posts)It's starting to feel like a landslide/bluewave is building.
The orange con man is going down.
The River
(2,615 posts)I always throw his picture a one-finger salute.
(21,646 posts)such repeated acts of vandalism
(5,103 posts)Their table faces the orange ass 24/7.
I always give them my sympathies. Many are Latino.
(2,799 posts)...they see he is no friend of the VA. Most understand that the VA represents societys commitment, as a group, to take responsibility for their health care. Few understand that is a textbook definition of socialism.
(2,679 posts)Or a E-5 SGT to politely remind you.
(3,557 posts)My Platoon Sergeant and Squad Leaders loved to give the weirdest guys in the platoon to be my drivers.
One of my drivers was born with two assholes. One was functional and the other one just kind of went in a few inches and oozed stuff. Please dont ask how I know....
(2,679 posts)(And that is the reason I stayed away from Mech Infantry)
(3,557 posts)Innapropriate, I know, but thats the joke we all used when we were in the field.
(2,679 posts)So its not uncommon to run across pretty much anything.
(14,138 posts)With land nav
Hey youre mad cause some SGT prob smacked you in the head once or twice. I certainly had that happen to me once when I was a couple steps behind humping some hill.
(1,320 posts)Whenever I visit the VA clinic, I'd stick a yellow post-it over tRumps face.....I noticed after my last appointment, 05/22 , The cover was still there when I left....The mood is changing!
(3,557 posts)It makes the point wothout making more work for the guy who has to cleanup everything.
(85,376 posts)marble falls
(63,660 posts)El Mimbreno
(792 posts)I never miss a chance to flip off a trump portrait. And thanks for not capitalizing trump - it doesn't deserve it.
At our two nearest Forest Service district offices, a certain portrait is conspicuously absent.
(14,138 posts)Well Im a old infantry troop 53 now but Id still piss on it his portrait