Rural/Farm Life
Related: About this forumchickens!
my homemade brooder-
big plastic bin and a blanket. heated with a crock pot inside another pot, and a light.
4 buff orphingtons, 2 silver barred, 2 wyandotts, hopefully both gold, but doesn't matter.
got a couple easter eggers and a couple cuckoo marans on order. starting with a dozen while i figure everything out, but think i will get more once we are a little more settled.
doing the happy chicken dance.

(34,495 posts)and have had some plans drawn in my head for where to keep them. My husband is not interested but I can do it if I want, big project since I fear the dogs and cats would have a problem leaving them alone. Mother Earth News is published not far from my house and one of the editors is kind of a friend, we are acquainted anyway and friendly. She has some real wonderful resources and has offered.....
Anyway, YAY for you. They are sweet and I love your set up. I will be interested how it goes as they get older. I will watch and see how you do it.
I will do my goat dance and send some luck from all the joy and bouncing and butting around your way.
(163,986 posts)Hey, I have one of those plastic bins. Was just trying to figure out what it was for besides eating up space.
I still haven't made up my mind about chicks but tomorrow will go get one of those blue plastic wading pools. Kid will need it soon as the weather heats up and if I do decide to get some babies, it can be their playpen for a little while.
(269 posts)Made my day! I cant stop smiling! Lucky you! Thanks for the pics.
(39,909 posts)In 2006, my Wife & I moved from the Big City to The Woods in our commitment to live as Sustainably and Naturally as possible, and to work at Producing MORE than we Consume.
We were also very disgusted with the Factory Food Production, Handling, Packaging, and Distribution system.
Keeping Chickens was a clinical decision,
and they have proved to be the most economical resource for Year Round Nutritious, Uncontaminated food.
We really saw them as a means to an end.
We never realized how much of an enjoyable part of our daily life they would become.
When kept in an uncrowded, natural habitat,
they are clean, beautiful, intelligent, social, quirky, animals with individual personalities.
Our daily interaction with them has brought us much enjoyment and enlightenment.
Good Luck with your birds.
(72,174 posts)i have 2 parrots now, plus some little budgies. they bring my a lot of joy.
the chicks are fun. they are such curious little things, and unafraid. i am dying to have them running around my little farm.