I completely agree with this article
I can see that Obama has to keep his eyes focused on keeping the ship of state from running into icebergs, and not run full bore into them just to score fleeting snark points. He was handed an economy that was sinking when he took his oath of office. ANYONE who took office on 1/20/2009 would have been handed this debacle.
The previous administration did their best to tank the economy and steal the treasury before they left. The rethugs in congress then loudly proclaimed that their mandate was to obstruct and frustrate the president any way they could, as their goal was to make him a one term president. One may want to go in an get a little nip/tuck done, but if, upon opening one up they find cancer, then the cancer has to be addressed first. That's pretty much what went down with Obama.
I'm more than willing to cut slack where it deserves to be cut. I am also quite willing to snatch up slack where it doesn't deserve to be, evidenced by my very vocal disgust here on DU re; that buffoon, herman cain. I am not ready to abandon Obama. I will be voting to re-elect Obama as what I see going on is him laying the ground work for a second term where he will more than likely crack some heads in congress.