The New Human Rights Movement: Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression
Is it time yet? Has the time come? No more being cast as EXPENDABLE human capital stock? A major change is due. We have to start somewhere. This book is one of many that represent a good start.
We begin with knowledge and the firm resolution to reject being devalued as human beings and asked to risk our health and lives because we are considered to be just another replaceable commodity with little or no intrinsic value.
"This is a book for everyone who has ever questioned the validity of the war on drugs, the war on poverty, or any other governmental attempt to solve social ills . . ."
Despite the efforts of governments, NGOs, religious groups, and other organizations to alleviate the problems of crime, poverty and myriad other social ills, they remain with us, growing rather than decreasing. Countless billions of dollars have been spent, with minimal, if any, results.
In The New Human Rights Movement: Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression, Peter Joseph offers a revolutionary and thought-provoking explanation of why this is. Simply put, these social problems cannot be solved until the underlying systemic issues that cause them are first recognized, and then addressed, but doing so is not in the interests of the worlds movers and shakers.
In this book, the true nature of the capitalist system, which rewards the rich as it penalizes the poor and working class, is described in clear and surprising detail. The artificial creation of money, which again benefits only those who control it, is explained. The propaganda efforts of those in control, to convince the populace of the glory of the free market, to its own detriment, is described.
As Joseph explains with well-researched and carefully documented facts this is not a new phenomenon. Rather it dates back to the so-called Neolithic Revolution, the transition from a society of nomadic hunter-gatherers to agricultural pursuits and permanent settlements. It was with this social transition that the class system as we know it today was born.