The Important
First day of life
Held by Mother
Seeing my Father
For the first time
Learning the alphabet
Numbers on fingers
The first day of school
On my own
Making friends
Childhood play
Creating fantasy out of reality
Growing older, first crush
That classmate who caught the eye
With a smile and a turn of the head
Gaining courage to say Hi! Whats your name?
Plowing through the classes
Gaining a mind full of knowledge
Counting down the grades
Until graduation
First jobs
Daily drudgery
But money in the pocket
A reward for the effort
Then off to college
Away from home on my own
My decisions make or break
The pursued degree
A long trek
But not that many years
From child to young adult
As the caps fly upward in ceremony.
Now out by myself
In that first apartment
At the first real job
Every day a challenge
Stress on my shoulders
As I build a career
Slowly but surely
For my future
Then my eyes see
The one in my dreams
We date, get to know one another
And eventually marry
Honeymoon night!
First house, first child
Working together
To make it all possible
We see growth in our children
As the cycle begins for them
The years pass by
And the children leave the nest
Now it is just us two
Who sit with smiles contented
At the ends of our careers
Watching sunset glow
Upon the ocean waves
In the West
Memories abound
Of what weve seen and done
The core of life
That which is important
The reason for being
The reason for working
That which is real
Cannot be taken away
From me