Science Fiction
Related: About this forumI'm trying to recall the title of an old teen-market book (circa late 60's to early 70s)
I read it around the same time as Madeline L'Engels Wrinkle in Time, so early 70s? I suspect the book was written in the late 60s. It was probably 150-page paperback.
It takes place on a moon colony, and a boy (and I'm thinking also a girl) are travelling outside the colony when their rover falls into a crater or something and they end up being underground (in the moon). Down there they find fascinating caves, lots of luminosity to help see with, and much more than I recall.
Does that strike a chord with anyone?

phantom power
(25,966 posts)Tab
(11,093 posts)Main memory is of the moon buggy outside the colony, then falling into a crater/hole, and I think they could breathe down there (somehow) and luminous moss all over, and caves to explore, maybe a river (don't recall).
phantom power
(25,966 posts)Babel_17
(5,400 posts)Babel_17
(5,400 posts)Briefly, the trouble is that humans keep mysteriously vanishing in Tycho Crater. Prospector Chris Jackson meets Amelia Thompson. Amelia has the map to a big strike in Tycho, but she has a passel of legal troubles and needs Chris's help. In the meantime, Chris's backers on Earth have "rented out" their shares to a third party, one Chandler Brill, who spells trouble with a capital T. There is further hugger-mugger with various life-forms on Luna, some deadly and some friendly.
(11,093 posts)for "people who ordered this also orderd..."
but I'm not finding the novel.
I agree it's unordinary, along the way of a Madeline L'Engel novel (rough time frame). Can't nail it down, however.
(5,400 posts)Best of luck, and of course if I stumble on any other possibilities, I'll post that here.
I read a lot of those juveniles/young adults.