Science Fiction
Related: About this forumApocalyptic vision: the unsettling beauty of lockdown is pure sci-fi
Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels like they're stuck in a J.G. Ballard story...
Take a walk through quiet streets for your daily exercise and you come across vistas sci-fi has spent more than a century preparing us for. A main road so still you can stand in the middle of it, among the squatting pigeons. A row of expensive shops all closed and dark midweek. Such scenes of The End have haunted the modern imagination since HG Wells described the abandoned streets of the imperial metropolis and devastated Surrey in The War of the Worlds. Weve all absorbed these visions of apocalyptic Britain, generation after generation, from the 1970s TV chiller Survivors to Danny Boyles uncannily convincing dawn photography of an emptied landscape in the film 28 Days Later. Surely we can be forgiven a frisson of macabre awe at seeing all these fantasies become real...
...It might be healthier to embrace the nightmare than pretend were in a cosy new normal. Im not too sure about lockdown culture. Its all so positive and mutually supportive. Lets bake, exercise and singalong. But imagination is black-hearted and feeds on shadows. Positivity is the opposite of sensitivity. The 18th-century aesthetician Edmund Burke looked honestly into his own soul and confessed that, for all the seductions of pretty things, he was more truly drawn to disturbing sights a pitch-black night, a cliff face, a storm at sea. Burke called their aesthetic appeal sublime. Tell an audience gathered to watch a play that a public hanging is about to happen down the road, he says, and the theatre will empty.
A normally bustling city or town that has been reduced to ghostly calm is a startling instance of the sublime. And a new one. For all the gleeful shudders of sci-fi, no previous generation has ever quite experienced this before. Writers imagined it and film-makers strived to visualise it but no one has actually woken up in a modern world that has come to such a disturbing standstill...
(27,099 posts)I'd originally planned to take the cruise a year earlier, but it got postponed.
It was wonderful. I was on Holland America which has smaller ships for the most part and does an amazing job of everything, including cleaning. Indeed, as the cruise progressed the increased cleaning was obvious.
We were very much protected from what was going on at home during that time. On board our conversations tended to be of the "What's the big deal?" variety.
Then we arrived back in San Diego and I flew home to Santa Fe. I found myself in the middle of a very badly plotted s-f novel. And believe me, I know about bad plotting.
I am so very glad I took that cruise. For one thing, it's going to be a while before any of us are getting on a cruise ship again, which for me is too bad because I do love taking a cruise. Even though this was only my second ever.
Once all this is over, a lot of things will be very different. I have my own notions of what those differences will be, but my notions aren't important. Sort of like after the Great Depression and WWII ended, in 1946 is was NOTHING like life in 1927. Likewise, after this so many things will be different that we won't recognize our lives. I truly hope much will be for the better. I do believe that overall we will be looking out for each other in ways we didn't before.
On a mundane and personal level, when I go for a walk in my neighborhood, and if I stop to chat with someone, there's a level of friendliness that I never experienced before. And I do think I sincerely hope, this will be maintained.
I live in a small double cul-de-sac, with about 30 units, and when I see a neighbor I tell them that when this is finally over, even though it may well be a year or more from now, we'll have a block party. Everyone thinks that's a great idea. I do too. And yes, I really do think it will be at least a year before we can have that block party, but when we do it will be wonderful!